
Major illnesses/diseases? - How easy is it to access care?


I'm always interested in how people, especially expats, manage healthcare in Morocco. I have looked into several companies, including some who advertise on, and they seem fairly reasonable, but I would like to hear from people who have actually used these companies. How easy is it to access care, especially for major illnesses, diseases? I am looking for options so that I don't have to return to the US for healthcare once we move to Fes permanently in the next 1-2 years. Thanks in advance!

See also

The health system in MoroccoPreventive care in MoroccoHealth careNursing in MoroccoLatest Covid vaccine available in Morocco?

Hello jeffrushka,

Welcome to 1f601.svg

Thank you for asking your questions here.

Let's hope some people share their personal experiences.

Also, please note that I have modified the title of your thread.


Cheryl team


Okay, I posted this nearly a month ago. Is there REALLY no one that has had this experience or has any positive advice???


Personally, I haven't encountered any serious health issues but I'd like to follow this thread for future knowledge. I'm a US citizen who has lived here for 5 years.


Well fes isn't a very common city for expats and has a very poor health area system.

I have lived in marrakech almost 10 years.

The health care in general isn't as good as abroad.

If someone has serious illness I wouldn't suggest living jn Morocco.

I had my daughter at 31 weeks via cesarean ( my 4th child but first born in morocco)

They told me that saving a baby at 31 weeks wasn't common for them!

They didn't have the knowledge or equipment.

I can say alot, but it really speaks for itself.

3rd world countries won't compare to the west in health care and education.

U M52


I am from Australia and I am planning to move to Tangier. I am aware that health system of Morocco isn't that good. But I was wondering if there are private hospitals that have better health system for expats. I have an allergy which I take daily medication for it.  I am worried that I may not find a good medicine in general.