Family Reunion

Good Day

I have been refused four times my visa  to reunite with my husband in Belgium in Stekene .

My husband is a  Belgium and he moved from South Africa in 2021 .

I have done so many applications for family reunion. They  want my husband to be working and earning a

salary of 1950euros net. He has enough money to support me and had a private non registered  job.

I had got married in Belgium and the commune got me married in 2003. I always lived both sides in Belgium and South Africa

and had no problem before . Now they don't even want me  reunite with him. I have written to the Europe Advisers they said me

Belgium has to grant me a family reunion visa. They asked me to send them a registered letter . I have done all as advised, but Belgium

is still refusing my human rights. What I have heard from the attorneys they do not want people from Africa . I am a Indian.

It is being  2years and it is costing my husband a lot of money to support me in South Africa and Support himself in Belgium .

It is coming where my husband and i have to separate for good after a 20year of marriage .

The immigration office in Brussels don't care that they are breaking families and they talk a women rights.

Thank You


Why isn't your husband getting an official job?

Our initial application got rejected because I just started being self-employed. How I solved the problem? I put my self-employment plans on hold, took a job somewhere, and 4 months later it was approved. I am now self-employed again.

So my recommendation is easy: Your husband should look for an official job - do it for a while until your reunion is approved - and then (if he wants) go back to his previous activity.

Other possibilities: get a tourist visa for another country in Europe, and then come to Belgium and apply from there, at least you are together then. Not sure if other countries will approve tourist visa if they can see your application history (not sure if they can see that though). It's worth a try if previous option is not possible.