
Pediatricians/ doctors in Accra



I would be grateful if you could suggest a good pediatrician/hospital/clinic in Accra for my 1 years old as I need to continue with his vaccination calendar and would like to go for regular visit and open him a chart. Thank you in advance for your tips guys would appreciate if you could share your experience!!!!

See also

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Try Dr. Oddoye at the Akai Clinic in Cantonments opposite the US Embassy (corner of 6th Circular Rd).
He's very nice, approachable and the vaccinations are done in the modern clinic, only built last year.



Pls tell me the availability of good pediatricians in Accra, I have a small child of 3 months, who is under weight and may require decent medical  facilities. What about general vaccinations for new born child.

Are there big private hospitals available in Accra say 200 bed hospital etc. or they have small nursing homes. and what about government hospitals? kind of facilities available there etc. would be of help in assessing the situtaion.

Thanks & Regards


There are a variety of private hospitals and clinics ranging in size. Not sure if any would have 200 beds. The public hospitals do have private wings but I wouldn't suggest using the public wards. I am sure you will find suitable medical attention for your child but you will need to pay for it and you could find it quite expensive.