
Post-Covid-19 situation in Costa Rica


Hello everyone,

The COVID-19 pandemic had a huge impact on the world, including on expats' lives. Travel restrictions, business closures, budget cuts, and health measures have created unprecedented challenges for those who have chosen to live in Costa Rica.

Now that the pandemic is moderated, expats are adjusting to a new daily routine. So tell us, how is your expat life now:

Are there still any health measures in place in Costa Rica? If so, what are they (wearing a mask, barrier measures, etc.)?

Have you noticed any changes in the population's habits or behavior after the pandemic?

What is your new work rhythm: do you still work remotely or are you spending more time in the office?

Have you changed your spending habits? If so, which ones?

Despite this pandemic and its consequences, how do you see your future in Costa Rica?

Do you have any advice for other expats and future expats on this new daily life in Costa Rica?

Thank you for your contribution.
Mickael team

See also

Living in Costa Rica: the expat guideHOW (step-by-step instructions) to apply for a pensionado visaChecking things out in MarchInsights about CartagoQuestions for retirement scouting visit in March

@Mickael ......First of all,Covid-19 didn't change anything in Costa Rica,so,relax.......The country has too much common  sense!


i have membership in the best low cost medical care in private hospital in costa rica

yesterday i went to the doctor since i have had a cough for several days and was tested for covid at a charge

of $20 for the test and it was negative

the doctor charged only $15 for the hour i was there which is normally $20 but as my friend from boston who

is phd in physics always says the medical care in costa rica is more gentle and caring than the states

i did have to wear a mask inside the hospital but almost no one wears a mask in public elsewhere and

most people in costa rica are not concerned about covid now

Angela Jimenez Rocha Architect Appraiser


You go Edwinemora - totally agree with this statement.  World out of control and look at the mess the western world is in. 


@Mickael Well, it is highly advisable to wear two masks simultaneously, three would be even better to cover all openings in your body. They you'll be safe. The mask paranoia is mostly spread in San Jose. I live in the country and people don't really care but still, the majority are inoculated. Some people are advised to wear masks to look prettier...


My wife, Marcia, and I got the most recent covid-19 vaccine at the Ebais across from the hospital in Grecia last week. At mid-morning, there was only one person in front of us, so there was almost no waiting. And, as with previous covid-19 vaccinations, there was no cost.


@daveandmarcia make sure to get your boosters, Dave, to be safe.


@daveandmarcia make sure to get your boosters, Dave, to be safe.

Hmmm . . . I'm not sure what that means. I got the most recently issued vaccine yesterday, as I said.


Well, we are not "post" COVID-19.  The pandemic still continues. Hospitalizations and deaths have been elevated for the past several weeks, but they are finally starting to drop consistently again. Last week for the first time, there were no cases in the ICU.  Weekly stats from Ministerio de Salud can be found at this link: