Restoring a ruin in Montenegro

Hi All

I wish to restore a ruin in Montenegro. Does it involve hectic red tape or expensive engineering costs? The walls are solid but otherwise it needs a complete restoration. I wish to design it myself so not looking for an architect.

Hello Alphastate2,

Welcome on board !

Can you please provide more details on the ruins you want to restore ? With what material was it built ? Are you the owner ?

All the best


@alphastate2, I'm not sure but I think any ruin from the yester year belong to the government. That would be an expensive project to have no ownership after completion. I live here but as a resident citizen. I am sure someone from here will say what I said or close to it. I actually enjoy seeing the ruins. To me it's the beauty and history behind something that has lasted through centuries fascinate me. I wish you luck and hope you get a definite answer.

Agree, ruin project is something to do with passion but not for money