Hola Chico:
I am a retired Californian in my first year of residence in Spain and can give some information on your questions. And i have a lot of additional questions of my own.
As far as visas go, i am the first year of a non-lucrativa visa. That is the type of visa most relevant to retirees.
I am having trouble finding a tax advisor in Spain. The two companies I have contacted that offer tax preparation help have not responded to emails and, in one case, an in-office visit. To be fair they are large companies and are more oriented toward businesses. But their web sites did say “individuales”.
Spain has a tax treaty with the USofA. My Enrolled Agent in California was somewhat familiar with it but by no means an expert. My impression is that you pay some taxes to the USofA and some to España.
You may also be liable for state taxes if you retire overseas. California apparently has son a tax court case decreeing that if you move directly overseas from a California residence you are still liable for California state taxes.
However, if you retire and can establish legal residence in a non-income tax state . . . Check if your state has an ex-patriot tax law like that.
That’s why I use an Enrolled Agent.
As far as tax sheltered retirement income I only have vague information. I have heard second hand (i.e., not from a Spanish tax professional) that tax deferred financial transactions are not tax deferred in Spain. What I have heard is that if you buy or sell assets in a tax deferred account, they are not tax deferred from your yearly Spanish taxes. They are treated as regular financial transactions.
That’s why I am seeking a Spanish tax professional.
I am not sure how that works in practice. If I buy/sell assets in a 401(k) this year (2023) do I have to pay taxes in Spain on the transaction when I file this years taxes? If I pay taxes to Spain on this year’s transactions but don’t make a withdrawal from the account until the following year (2024) do I have to pay taxes in the USofA? Am I being taxed twice on one transactions?
That’s why I am searching for a tax professional!
Additionally, you should check with who-ever is administering your tax-sheltered account about changing your account to an “international” account. Apparently under USofA and/or EU tax law their are restrictions on the type of transactions you can make as a non-USofA resident. Apparently no ETFs &c.
That’s why I want to find a Spanish tax professional.
And finally, Spain has some interesting laws about pension income. I have heard, but not verified, that Spaniards who receive pensions for public service employment do not have to pay income tax on that income. I have no idea if that is true of ex-patriots who have retired from civil service jobs. Or what the requirements are to qualify for tat exemption.
That’s why I want to find . . .
Well, you know the chorus of that song by now.
I have no information regarding how closely ex-patriot taxable income is monitored in Spain. For example, under the tax treaty does the USofA government share with Spain tax documents like 1099s.
Until I find Spanish tax professional I am following the sage advice of Bob Dylan, “If you live outside the law you must be honest.”
Still thinking about going into exile?
Do it.
There are many problems.
None of them insurmountable.
And if you approach then as a daily adventure in “Simulación de España” it will make your transition fun.