Marriage eligibility documents

I am planning on getting marry in Tunisia, I am an American. There is some documents that is needed to be notarized at my embassy to prove my eligibility to get marry. Where do I obtain such document? Is it already at the embassy? Do I get it from some Tunisia Government office? I know the fees, but just the document it self.


Hello there..

All North American and European women who are getting married to Tunisian men.. please come and check back to after few days/weeks/months later.. it also have information on getting divorce..!

Good luck and happy marriage..

@dsumo We are a Hungarian - Algerian couple. After 8 years we wanted to marry in Tunisia last summer (2022). We got a list from our embassies what documents we need.

Birth certificate, marital status certificate, medical certificate from our general doctor.

Firstly, I had to translate everything officially to French, asked for Apostile stamps form the Foriegn Ministery.

Tunisia asked for a marital capacity certificate from our emabassies in Tunis but the Algerian embassy refused to give us this document without any reason.

In the last one year, the Algerian embassy never answered for a phone call, for an email, for a letter.

In this summer we are going back to Tunisia but I really don't know how to apply for this marital capacity certificate.

If you have more information than me, please let me know. Thanks.


Why don't you get married in Algeria and or in Hungary.. instead of jumping through so many huddles..? 🤔

@kuriako Algeria is not the member of the Apostile convention countries. It means I need certification from the Algerian embassy to marry there. I have my official invitation letter and all other documents to apply for a visa but they refuse it all the time without any reason. So, I can't go there and we can't marry there.

Also, Hungary refuses my partner's visa. We fit for all requirements but the Hungarian embassy doesn't give him visa without any reason as well. So, we can't marry here, too.

This is bureaucracy and the way of politics how to prevent a marriage between a Hungarian and Algerian couple.

@kuriako Algeria is not the member of the Apostile convention countries. It means I need certification from the Algerian embassy to marry there. I have my official invitation letter and all other documents to apply for a visa but they refuse it all the time without any reason. So, I can't go there and we can't marry there.
Also, Hungary refuses my partner's visa. We fit for all requirements but the Hungarian embassy doesn't give him visa without any reason as well. So, we can't marry here, too.
This is bureaucracy and the way of politics how to prevent a marriage between a Hungarian and Algerian couple.

Wow..!! I'm sorry to hear how these international politics and diplomatic relationships affect in a very personal level..?

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