Formalities to bring your pet in the Netherlands

Hi all,

What are the formalities and paperwork required to bring your pet in the Netherlands?

How long do formalities & paperwork usually take in the Netherlands?

What are the relevant authorities to contact?

Which vaccines are compulsory? Do your pets have to go in quarantine at their arrival in the Netherlands?

Which advice would you give to the ones who would like to move with a dog, a cat or any other pet?

Thanks in advance for participating :)

Regulations for the Netherlands will not differ much from those in other EU countries (UK and Ireland excepted). The best way to find out is: contact your local vet. He or she should be able to tell you what conditions apply and should also be able to give the right vaccines at the right time (many vaccines are only valid if they are given in a specific period before your arrival to the Netherlands) and to provide proper documentation for customs.

Hope this helps,

Hi Twan!

Thanks for your help ;)
