Moving to Maldives


I mind get a job offer to work near to airport. Can you guys guide me how can I get a apartment near by? What should I be aware of when sign the contract? Is It safe for lady live alone? Is 1800.00USD Enough to live alone, electricity,water,internet,food?  I also would like to know the work visa requirements in maldives?


Hello Anna Franco, welcome !

I am not in Maldives, but have a look at the following website : … rrency=USD

Will you be signing an expat contract ?

What is the probation period ?

All the best


Hello Bhavna,

Thanks for getting back to me. I checked but would be nice know from somebody living there,

Expact contract for a year no probation.

I am just concern how I will manage to get a apartment by myself.

Thanks =)