
Digital Nomad Visa Renewal

Last activity 14 October 2024 by rocade

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@rocade Hi, what do you mean by the DOU publication? The link doesn't work...


I got a rebound from the DNV process, "exigencia". Why I didn't have to put the CRNM card details at all to the application? instead they requested:

"Documento de viagem válido ou outro documento que comprove a sua identidade e a sua nacionalidade, nos termos dos tratados de que o País seja parte."

I attached my CRNM card but that obviously wasn't correct?


06/05/24    @rocade Hi, what do you mean by the DOU publication? The link doesn't work...   


Here's a link for the DOU that should work.  Put your CRNM number in "Pesquisa Avançada" for the period you want to search.


Thanks for the DOU.

Other questions. Where can I find this payment 200143 code?

"Considerando que a GRU apresentada consta como unidade favorecida a Polícia Federal, apresentar Guia de Recolhimento da União - GRU, simples, da taxa de processamento e avaliação de pedidos de autorização de residência com o respectivo comprovante de pagamento, no valor de R$ 168,13, utilizando o novo código no preenchimento da Unidade Gestora/UG, qual seja: 200143, de acordo com a Portaria nº 827, de 19 de novembro de 2019, do Ministério da Justiça e Segurança Pública."

Code not found when I inserted the code here:

I need also add the Policia Federal criminal record so do I need to also add again a new estadual or can I go with the old estadual criminal record? Somehow Santa Catarina's state criminal record online service doesn't work anymore.



    Thanks for the DOU.
Other questions. Where can I find this payment 200143 code?

"Considerando que a GRU apresentada consta como unidade favorecida a Polícia Federal, apresentar Guia de Recolhimento da União - GRU, simples, da taxa de processamento e avaliação de pedidos de autorização de residência com o respectivo comprovante de pagamento, no valor de R$ 168,13, utilizando o novo código no preenchimento da Unidade Gestora/UG, qual seja: 200143, de acordo com a Portaria nº 827, de 19 de novembro de 2019, do Ministério da Justiça e Segurança Pública."

Code not found when I inserted the code here:

I need also add the Policia Federal criminal record so do I need to also add again a new estadual or can I go with the old estadual criminal record? Somehow Santa Catarina's state criminal record online service doesn't work anymore.


As I read it, Code 200143 is the Receiving Unit, which is the Polícia Federal.  Since the form you've linked to is a PF form, the payment will automatically go to them and you should not have to input this code.  If you like, you can put "UG 200143" in the "Observações" space, but I don't think that you need to.

You do have to input the code for the "processamento e avaliação de pedidos de autorização de residência", which you'll find in the drop-down menu "Código Receita STN" as 140066.  When you do that and hit "Pagar", it should generate your GRU.

I don't have an authoritative answer on the criminal record, but if the one you have is over 90 days old, you'll probably need a new one.


    When it is Publicado, the procedure is the same both for first application and renewals. You will need to:
1) Pay the GRU
2) Get an appointment at your local Policia Federal Branch.
3) Collect the documents needed for Policia Federal and appear at your appointment.

Paying the GRU
First you need to create a boleto through this link:

Fill in your information. Where it says "Codigo Receita STN", you should fill in the number 140120. When you do that, if this value appears below R$204,77,  everything should be correct. This will create a "boleto" for you. Save and print it.

Bring it to a bank (I do it at Banco do Brasil) and pay by cash. They will give you your payment proof and the boleto, keep both.

Appointment … oCie.seam?

Through this link, fill in your information and follow steps to create your appointment at your local Policia Federal. Save and print all confirmation pages. There should be one page that includes your appointment date & time Dados de Agendamento. And another longer one that has all your information and a part at the end where you will need to sign.

Documents you will need
They are listed in the link below and I will add my explanation through my experience in Sao Paulo, Lapa. Each place may vary in their flexibility. … l-da-uniao

The document list are basically these, in the order of that checklist
1) The online confirmation form above which you need to sign
2) A photo, just in case, they probably will not ask for it
3) Address form, it says "preferably with some proof of residence" but they don't ask for it in Sao Paulo. You need to fill in, print and sign this form: … ontato.pdf
4) Your passport. They will probably ask for a copy of your ID page of your passport.
5) Birth Certificate with your parents full names, apostille & translated. For renewals: you don't need a birth certificate. (If you already have a CRNM and renewing it, or your parents full names are in your passport, you don't need this)
6) The DOU publication pages with your name. I would just print all the immigration DOU of that day because they ask for some "title" page in DOU apart from the page with your name is. Find here: … -uniao-dou
7) Payment proof of GRU

(Edited my answer from … 81#5754703)

And on what happens when you go to your appointment at Policia Federal, I shared an experience here from last year which is still the same at SP/Lapa: … =4#5741896-@rocade

Oi rocade tudo bem?

I was reviewing the link for what to bring after DOU - … l-da-uniao - and do not see the need for the address form. I suppose its always easier to be safer than not, but is there any reason to fill that out, actually?



I have some more info from going to my appointment past the 30 days. They actually tried to fine me for every day past the expiration on my residence card. Fortunately, and only because of my trip, I had printed the relatorio em tramite which showed I'd started the application before the expiration date and it took them more than a month to process it.

 Apparently they "guarantee" processing these within a 30 days which has never been the case for me. Going forward I'll always be sure - and recommend to everyone - that you generate the relatorio em tramite while your visa is in processing - you can't generate it once it's approved even if it's approved past the expiration.

Now, I did have to pay a fine for every day past the 30 days you have to go to the Policia Federal. Which, funny enough, I had the same problem - there were no appointments available within 30 days of mine being published in the DOU. Fortunately I only had to pay the fine for a few days over. They just basically told me "It is what it is" with that. So I think you'll be fine but you can expect that they charge you a fine of some sort.


@sovelong Let me see if I understand this... you applied before the expiration, they approved and then they fined you because you didn't pick up the new card before the old one expired?  How can they fine you for overstaying when you are approved.  Picking up the card I would think is just a formality.


06/24/24 Apparently they "guarantee" processing these within a 30 days which has never been the case for me. Going forward I'll always be sure - and recommend to everyone - that you generate the relatorio em tramite while your visa is in processing - you can't generate it once it's approved even if it's approved past the expiration.

Now, I did have to pay a fine for every day past the 30 days you have to go to the Policia Federal. Which, funny enough, I had the same problem - there were no appointments available within 30 days of mine being published in the DOU. Fortunately I only had to pay the fine for a few days over. They just basically told me "It is what it is" with that. So I think you'll be fine but you can expect that they charge you a fine of some sort.     


I'm glad that it worked out for you  -- congrats!  Excellent point on generating the relatório:  any time that you can document what you've done, you're a step ahead.

On your last point, this is why I always encourage people who are up against a deadline and haven't been able to get an appointment because the system keeps showing none available, to go the the PF office before the deadline anyway and explain that coming without an appointment was the only way not to miss the deadline.  The appointment system seems to malfunction as often as it works, and to be worse in the areas of greatest demand.  The PF may or may not provide service, but even if they refuse, the applicant will be able to say that s/he did everything possible to hit the deadline.


@abthree Good advice! 



This was the initial renewal appointment after my visa showed approved online, was published in the DOU, and I paid the GRU.

I applied to renew my visa months before it expired (the date on my residency card). First, they tried to fine me for every date past the expiration on my card and without the relatorio em tramite, they would have. Although, I'd imagine they can certainly see the date your application was received in their system.

You're meant to also do this appointment within 30 days of your info. being published in the DOU. At the time of mine being published, the earliest appointment showing was beyond these 30 days. Even so, and telling this to them, they still fined me for the days past my DOU publication date.

Now I'm just waiting for my new card to be issued then I have to schedule an appointment to pick it up.

Another fun thing that happened to me during this appointment was someone lost my residency card. I left it with the main person when I had to go the fines desk then when I went back she said she didn't have it. I guess it doesn't really matter since I need a new one anyway but still an annoying thing.

Honestly, I haven't had any issues like this at the Policia Federal before but this last appointment was a nightmare.


    I got a rebound from the DNV process, "exigencia". Why I didn't have to put the CRNM card details at all to the application? instead they requested:
"Documento de viagem válido ou outro documento que comprove a sua identidade e a sua nacionalidade, nos termos dos tratados de que o País seja parte."

I attached my CRNM card but that obviously wasn't correct?


Hi, this is a late reply but could they have been requesting your passport with your CRNM maybe? How did it end up?

Oi rocade tudo bem?

I was reviewing the link for what to bring after DOU - … l-da-uniao - and do not see the need for the address form. I suppose its always easier to be safer than not, but is there any reason to fill that out, actually?


Hi, hope your process went well or is going well. Maybe the requirements have been updated because I had copied the link from that page if I recall correctly. It could also be why the GRU link didn't work as someone else mentioned if they updated it. Sorry it's a late reply but thanks for letting us know.

Though yeah I would still print it anyway. Had to pay R$10 per page for printing some last minute documents around Policia Federal Lapa last time.


Honestly, I haven't had any issues like this at the Policia Federal before but this last appointment was a nightmare.


Wow @sovelong, I just saw your other post you traveling without problems and now I see this one. What a disappointment from Policia Federal.

If I asked the possibility of this before I'd probably claim that they are professionals and wouldn't be after these little games to fine people when it's caused by their own delays.

For years applications have never been completed under 30 days anyway and from what I see here this year they had such longer delays so I'm surprised they even suggested to put the blame on you for the first one?

And then actually fining you ignoring the fact that they couldn't offer appointments in 30 days? Sounds ridiculous to me. Glad you sorted it out somehow but this changes my perception about them.

06/28/24 And then actually fining you ignoring the fact that they couldn't offer appointments in 30 days? Sounds ridiculous to me. Glad you sorted it out somehow but this changes my perception about them.        -@rocade

Understandable, but don't let it change your perception of them too much. 

As I've written elsewhere, there's a current of xenophobia in Brazilian culture, not strong, often hidden, but always present, and sometimes it manifests in official agencies, including the Federal Police.  I can think of about three times that I've run into it (two of them during the military dictatorship in the early 1970s, one much more recent), so over the course of a little over fifty years, that's a very good record of professionalism.

Still, it can be extremely unpleasant for the person on the receiving end.  That's why I always urge things like having multiples of every document, always being on time, and going to the office anyway if no appointments are available.  Ill intentions are easiest to manifest when an official is asked to exercise discretion; having everything as complete and bulletproof as possible limits the chance to exercise discretion against the applicant.


Thank you @abthree I really hope this was more of an exception. Imposing such fines could be even devastating for some people at those PF lines.

And for those of us who need to renew their residence yearly I have a suggestion to Policia Federal:

They should accept applications for the following year while we are there to pick up the printed CRNM card! smile.png

The whole process used to take up to 5 months on normal times, so this would just make sense now lol


Could you help me with my renewal process. I got second time the "exigencia" of the documents. Need to fix 2 documents.

First requirement

Considering that only the certificate issued by the common state court was presented, present CRIMINAL record certificates or equivalent document issued by the competent judicial authority where the immigrant resided (CERTIFICATE ISSUED BY THE FEDERAL COURT) referring to the immigrant's period of residence in national territory.

I merged both estadual criminal record and federal. What they would like have still? What did I do wrong?

Second requirement:

Considering that the GRU presented is listed as a unit favored by the Federal Police, present the Union Collection Guide - GRU, simple, of the processing and evaluation fee for requests for residence authorization with the respective proof of payment, in the amount of R$ 168.13, using the new code when filling out the Managing Unit/UG, which is: 200143, in accordance with Ordinance No. 827, of November 19, 2019, of the Ministry of Justice and Public Security.

I have paid the 168,13 reais and have both the boleto and receipt. I put the codigo 140066. What is wrong here?

How can I proceed from here?


07/08/24 @Pantai79.  I think that you'll need to go to the PF office with the "Exigências", the documents that you've submitted to satisfy them, and the proof of payment of your GRU, and ask at the Information desk to speak to someone who can explain what is missing to you.


@sovelong thanks for the information. Where can I generate the relatorio em tramite document?



Hi Rocade,

I got this email; I am not sure what application they are referring to. Any advice would be so appreciated? … sp=sharing



@leleflowah Hey there!

I couldn't see the first link if you shared something different but according to the google drive link:

This means you have to upload the requested documents within 30 days for your application process to continue:

3 - Formulário de Requerimento de Autorização de Residência, conforme Anexo I, assinado pelo interessado ou

por seu representante legal; Tendo em vista que não consta nos autos, apresentar Formulário de Requerimento de Autorização de Residência,

conforme Anexo I, assinado pelo interessado ou por seu representante legal.

Looks like the Anexo I application form was missing in your application, you can find it on the last page of this pdf (fill in, print and sign): … E_2021.pdf

2 - Contrato de trabalho ou de prestação de serviços ou outros documentos que comprovem o vínculo com

empregador estrangeiro

Apresentar novo vínculo com empregador estrangeiro, devidamente assinada por representante legal da empresa,

uma vez que o apresentado nos autos foi expedida de próprio punho do imigrante.

It says your work contract should have been signed by the legal representative of the company, looks like the one you submitted was only signed by yourself.

1 - Certidões de antecedentes criminais ou documento equivalente, emitido pela autoridade judicial competente de

onde tenha residido durante a autorização de residência de temporária.

Apresentar novas certidões de antecedentes criminais ou documento equivalente emitido pela autoridade judicial

competente de onde tenha residido o imigrante (certidão expedida pela JUSTIÇA COMUM ESTADUAL – Tribunal de

Justiça do Estado e certidão expedida pela JUSTIÇA COMUM FEDERAL – Tribunal Regional Federal) referente ao

tempo de residência do imigrante em TERRITÓRIO NACIONAL, conforme disposto no inciso X, art. 1o, RN 01/2017

e no item nono da Nota Técnica no 003/2018/CGIg/GM/MTb.

You have to submit new documents for criminal records for the state you have been resident in Brazil. You will have to provide two documents, one from the State Justice and the other from the Federal Justice of your state. You can follow the link below, find your state and obtain the documents via two separate links: … -criminais

For Sao Paulo, make sure you are obtaining the correct document considering the notes in brackets while filling in the web form:

Certidão Criminal Federal (Tipo: Certidão de Distribuição; Abrangência: Justiça Federal de Primeiro Grau em São Paulo)

Certidão Criminal Estadual (Modelo: Certidão de Distribuição de Ações criminais)


Hello everyone,

FYI : the first link posted by Leleflowah has now been validated .




@rocade Thank you sooooooooo much! The issue the foreign company is owned by me, the "HQ" is in Miami. I am the sole owner of the business. I am not sure what else to say. My company gets clients from Upwork and Upwork pays my company. I uploaded those documents and also showing the business license in Miami with my name, address, and company name.

I submitted the application and today I will work on the Criminal records! Thank you so much!


@Bhavna Thanks!

Peter Itamaraca


A word to the wise - I know of one application for a Digital Nomad Visa where the applicant was refused on the basis that he was the owner of the business. Apparently this did not satisfy the requirement of proof of employment/contract/income, etc. It might be a good idea to concentrate on the source of work and income on your application, and less on the fact that you own the business...


@abthree I finally realized the problem myself. The previous boleto dIdn't have the phrase about the code 200143 and the new boleto I printed had this phrase on top of the page. I paid the GRU again with my bradesco bank and now it's ok. I have to plead the sum back in another instance. This system is so challenging.


“This system is so challenging”

Brother that describes so many things in Brazil.

Especially anything related to the government.


07/18/24    @abthree I finally realized the problem myself. The previous boleto dIdn't have the phrase about the code 200143 and the new boleto I printed had this phrase on top of the page. I paid the GRU again with my bradesco bank and now it's ok. I have to plead the sum back in another instance. This system is so challenging.     


Well done -- so glad that it worked out for you!


Hello people, I just got a message "indeferido". I'm totally exhausted of the process and have delivered all the documents (2 x I had exigencia) and now it's indeferido without any explanation. What can I do? Any suggestions what could be the cause?


@Peter Itamaraca

Thank you so much! Will do, I will just focus on Upwork instead of my business.


Just an add to my previous post. I looked at my andamento of processo and there was that I haven't sent the documents that they wanted to have after the exigencia. I attached the documents in the system and now they said that I haven't sent the documents. There have to be a problem in their system.


@Peter Itamaraca Thank you Peter for your advice! I was able to have one of my clients sign a Foreign Employer Confirmation Letter I drafted up and I just got the DEFERIDO status!! I am so happy!


Hi guys, want to tell my story as an example for others who want to apply for the renewal visa. I had huge problems that lead to rejection. I started my process in April 2024. I gathered all the documents and and got the first rejection in June (exigencia). There were 4 documents I needed to fix. In the instructions one requirement was the CRNM card but from me they wanted to have my passport details (how could I know this). Second mistake was the federal criminal record which I tried to submit twice because I understood that they didn't get at all my documents through but it meant actually that the document was wrong. IT HAS TO BE THE JUSTIÇA FEDERAL DOCUMENT, NOT POLICIA FEDERAL: … 35|230|167 (in Rio they probably want to have something else)

Third point was the declaração de antecedentes criminais which was a stupid mistake. It's found here: … izacao.pdf

Fourth point was the payment of the process which they changed during my application process. IT IS NOT anymore this one: (140066)


Had to take the lawyer and HIGHLY RECOMMEND it for everyone who wants to apply. Everything went easily and without stress. Worth every penny! My advice for everyone is that if you are going to apply yourself, read all the updates from the Migranteweb system before applying cause there can be updates and new codes and documents that they want to have. If you don't submit the right documents twice, you will be INDEFERIDO and rejected. Start ASAP the new process and do not try to do any reconsiderations or retifications. Just start a new one. You have 30 days time.


God this process is a nightmare ... but today I finally got DEFERIDO. I had been trying since February (as my visa was valid until April), but only now managed to get all documents exactly in the nitpicky way they want ...

However, I'm leaving Brazil next month. Is there any chance I can leave Brazil without having to pay a fine on re-entry, without actually going to the police to renew my RNM?


08/01/24    God this process is a nightmare ... but today I finally got DEFERIDO. I had been trying since February (as my visa was valid until April), but only now managed to get all documents exactly in the nitpicky way they want ...
However, I'm leaving Brazil next month. Is there any chance I can leave Brazil without having to pay a fine on re-entry, without actually going to the police to renew my RNM?   


After all that effort and agony, it would be a big mistake to leave Brazil without renewing your CRNM, unless you don't plan to return here as a DN during the term of your renewal.  If you can't postpone your departure, leave a Power of Attorney with a trusted friend or associate to pick the new card up and send it to you wherever you are.


Hi everyone, I've been hearing that the DN visa can be renewed annually pass 2 years, has anyone been able to renew for the 3rd time?

I first heard from an immigration lawyer whom I was discussing the Investment visa of R$150,000 with.

Also, just seen this comment … 60#5796143

Peter Itamaraca

    Hi everyone, I've been hearing that the DN visa can be renewed annually pass 2 years, has anyone been able to renew for the 3rd time? I first heard from an immigration lawyer whom I was discussing the Investment visa of R$150,000 with. Also, just seen this comment … 60#5796143-@NDUBUISI JOHN OBIRIJE

See my comment in the other thread about the investment, but as far as we know the DN Visa is only renewable once after the first year. It was never intended to be a permanent visa, as the name Nomad suggests...

-- And no English documents are accepted at any point anyway, so you need to have your work docs in English translated.   


So when uploading documents, they only need the translated one? Or the original must be attached too?


Dear,  I would be thankful if someone could tell if they were successful or not renewing their Brazil digital nomad visa for a 3rd year or more ?


    -- And no English documents are accepted at any point anyway, so you need to have your work docs in English translated.        -@rocade

So when uploading documents, they only need the translated one? Or the original must be attached too?


Hi there, I always attached the originals as well, just in case. "Attached", I mean, I added the scan of the original documents to the same pdf with the scan of the translations.

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