
Clarification on Residency Requirements


Hello! My name is Denise Wilson.  My husband Cornell and I will be moving to Cabarete month. He will be turning 62 in March and at that time he plans to retire and start getting his Social Security. We need to get clarification on how long can we stay in the country without having any type of official residency in place? If we have to leave and come back, how long do we need to be gone? Once he retires, what is the process to get official residency?

Any help y'all can give us will be greatly appreciated.


See also

Citizenship in the Dominican RepublicTraveling to the Dominican RepublicRetiring in the Dominican RepublicGetting married in the Dominican RepublicDeath in the Dominican Republic

Hi - read the pinned post on residency. Without residency, you can only stay 30 days (extendable to 120). As a retiree, your husband would need to have $1500 per month, or $1750 per month if you want to qualify as his dependent for residency.

To reset the 30 day clock, I believe you just need to technically leave the country and renter. Just to be safe, I would recommend staying the night and returning the following day.

Oscarsahony Sanchez

yeap, Done that a few time already!


At the moment many people arrive with 30 tourist visa but overstay without seeking extension. Seeking extension requires lot of paper work and trip to visa office some people use a lawyer who charge a lot more fees then the overstay fine or fee at airport. Dominican Government charges a fine or fee for overstay at airport when these people leave. Paying this fine or fee is most efficient and hassle free.


Welcome to the forums. Please read the residency post.

I will caution everyone on here to STOP recommending people simply overstay as its cheaper. That is also ILLEGAL and the stand of this  site is we DO NOT recommend anything illegal.

We can state that many overstay and simply pay the fee. That is an administrative workaround and may or may not cause issues in the future!



The extension to 120 days can easily be done online..... no need for a lawyer

Keeps you legal for longer

Paying at the airport on exit means you abandoned all your rights as a visitor after your 30 days

Yes, lots do it.....


I went back to the government offices in puerto plata and asked about the extension… they laughed at me and told me there’s no problem staying over just pay at the airport or come back 2 days before you leave and pay here… feels like they either don’t want you here legally or they don’t want to do the paperwork….🤔🙄


As usual they will tell you exactly what they THINK  you want to hear!    And they will do as little as possible. They are overworked and  underpaid for the most part! 


Next time I’ll go ( 3rd time ) w/an immigration lawyer and ask to speak to someone in the back office… who maybe didn’t get the job because he’s related to someone …🙄



      Hi Willie would you be able to send me the link for the visa extension ,

I can’t seem to locate it…. Thanks


Try this site


this one


Thanks willie…..👍

Jonnie San Pedro

I have done the extension successfully several times online (which gives me a total of four months). It is a simple process for anyone capable of taking pictures with a phone and uploading PDFs or images to a website. I have even reused the same medical certificate if it is less than a year old (I haven't tested longer). One irregularity is the length of time it takes to get approved. I have had mine approved in a range between three hours and thirty days. Typically, the approval comes after my thirty days are up, which seems silly, but it is the DR. You pay the same fee as an unsanctioned overstay at the airport when you depart. Frankly, almost any doctor will give you a medical certificate for a reasonable price (1000-2000 pesos). They may even stick a thermometer in your mouth or listen to your chest for good measure.


@Jonnie San Pedro thank you great advice.