Mauritian Creole

Hello, does anyone have any resources on learning Mauritian creole? I speak some french but want to be well versed in the traditional language.



I can help you with your Creole Learning.

I saw on your profile that you speak Spanish too. Are you only begining to learn Spanish now or can you help me learn Spanish too ?

Hello everyone,

Oh, that is a good idea! Engaging in a language exchange can be beneficial, as it not only helps in improving/learning language skills but also provides an opportunity to make new friends. 1f609.svg


Cheryl team

@Wynnielenore Hi I can help you learn. Where are you exactly on the island?

@Le Minimalist Thank you for the offer, unfortunately I'm only a beginner at Spanish. I learned through living with roommates who spoke Spanish so that is the only knowledge I would be able to pass on. Feel free to message me if you're still interested!

@Pascal2vo Hello, thank you for the offer! I'm not yet on the island, I anticipate relocating to Mauritius next May. Please message me if you would still like to help.

I think I posted something like this on another post. But I am happy to help teach you all & maybe starting a little social group to learn to speak Creole. I am a female Australian & Mauritian & moved back here last year.

@wynnielenore, I am currently on the island and, although I used to be a fluent native speaker of creole, people around me have already noticed that I have an american accent while speaking it.

I believe that this has to do with thinking in English before speaking. I admit that English comes more to mind than French or Creole now and that's why my sentences in creole tend to sound more english-like.

Have you checked out the various online publications -, MBC Online youtube channel, and other tidbits that you can google online?

The trick is to think in creole.

I also have a creole idiom book that came in handy - see my other thread regarding "lalang pena lezo".

Also since you are in the USA, have you been to New Orleans and did you get a chance to listen to the local creole dialect there? There is a strange similarity in the way that sentences are made (mixture of english and french) - not identical but I can understand the overall meaning. This may be another way to ramp up on the "thinking" part.

Good luck.

@wynnielenore, I decided to turn on the FM radio in my rental car (rather than do the usual spotify streaming) and there were lots of on-air creole speaking.  And then it came to me to look for the online streaming option.  I googled "online mauritius radio station" and got to this URL - … -stations.  This seems to have quite a few local radio stations that you can tune in.Just another resource for you to get into the island vibes....Hope that this helps.