Residency, Mobile ID, Civil ID

Hi there,

I'll be coming to kuwait by using working visa.

How long would it take to get residency after my arrival?

After i get my residency, how long to get my Mobile ID and Civil ID?

If somehow after i get my residency but i don't have my civil ID in my hand, can i leave the country for emergency reason and come back again later?

I found some information that mobile ID is enough to travel in/out of country, is that so?

Thx in advance for any reply.

@zakiitb I have come the same way. On 23rd I landed. No biometric was done on the airport. 28th I went for medical. Got passed status on 1st.

Tried to apply for fingerprint unfortunately didn't get any dates as we didn't apply on meta at the right time (wasted about 8 days more) . But every 8:00pm you get a slot to select. So mine is booked for 21st.

Hope you do it the right way.

Regarding leaving or not I think once aqama is done you can leave. Civil id physical isn't important.

@AK1991 thanks man for your information.

With what title was your working visa issued?

So upon arrival we can take the medical exam right away?

And residency will not finished without the fingerprint right?

Regarding leaving country without civil Id, looking forward for more information from anybdoy.

@zakiitb yeah medical first.. Then fingerprint then insurance then aqama. Then apply for civil id.

I am on a supervisor title for my friends company. But I came from Bahrain. Though it doesn't matter. The process is the same.

@zakiitb you need to take an appointment for medical . Everything is online. Check some post on this site you will find the links it's very easy.


It's crucial to consult with the Kuwaiti authorities, your employer, or a legal expert for the most up-to-date and accurate information regarding your situation. However, here is some general information that may help:

Residency: The process for obtaining a residency permit in Kuwait can involve several steps, including medical examinations, fingerprinting, and security checks. The exact timeframe for obtaining your residency permit can vary, but it often takes a few weeks to a few months after your arrival.

Mobile ID: The Mobile ID, also known as the "My Identity" app, is a digital version of your Civil ID card, and it's used for various services in Kuwait. Once you have your residency permit, you can typically apply for a Mobile ID. The process for obtaining a Mobile ID can vary, but it may take a few weeks to several months, depending on the specific requirements and processing times.

Civil ID: Your Civil ID is an essential identification document in Kuwait, and you will need it for various activities, including opening a bank account, signing contracts, and more. Once you have your residency permit, you can apply for a Civil ID. It can take several weeks to a few months to receive your Civil ID after the application.

Traveling with a Mobile ID: The Mobile ID is a digital identification document, and while it may be used for various services within Kuwait, it is essential to check whether it is accepted as a valid travel document for leaving and re-entering Kuwait. Typically, you would need your physical Civil ID for travel purposes, but regulations may change, so confirm with the relevant authorities.

Leaving the Country: If you have a valid residency permit and Civil ID, you can leave the country and return. However, if you leave Kuwait without your Civil ID, it may cause complications when re-entering the country, and you should consult with Kuwaiti authorities for guidance on the specific situation.

Please remember that immigration and identification processes in Kuwait can change, and it's crucial to stay updated and follow the guidelines provided by the Kuwaiti government or your employer. For personalized and current information, consider consulting with your employer or a legal expert familiar with Kuwaiti immigration and identification procedures.

Salam brother! How can I secure a job in kuwait I am from Nigeria I really want to change location. please if you can help me! I am Zakariyah Abdullahi by name

Wa alaikum assalam, Zakariyah! It's great that you're looking to make a change. Securing a job in Kuwait or any new location can be a process, but here are some general tips to get you started:

1. **Research:**

   - Understand the job market in Kuwait. Know the industries that are thriving and the skills in demand.

2. **Network:**

   - Leverage professional networking platforms like LinkedIn to connect with people in your industry and region of interest.

3. **Apply Online:**

   - Look for job opportunities on online job portals and company websites. Tailor your resume to match the job requirements.

4. **Recruitment Agencies:**

   - Consider reaching out to recruitment agencies in Kuwait. They can help match your skills with available job openings.

5. **Work on Your CV:**

   - Ensure your CV is well-crafted, highlighting your skills and experiences. Make it relevant to the job you're applying for.

6. **Language Skills:**

   - English is widely used, but Arabic language skills can be a plus. Consider improving your language skills to increase your marketability.

7. **Professional Qualifications:**

   - Check if there are any professional certifications or qualifications that are highly valued in your industry, and consider obtaining them.

8. **Visa and Work Permits:**

   - Understand the visa and work permit requirements for working in Kuwait. Ensure you have the necessary documentation.

9. **Cultural Awareness:**

   - Familiarize yourself with the Kuwaiti culture and business etiquette. This can be crucial in interviews and workplace interactions.

10. **Persistence:**

    - Job hunting can take time. Be persistent and don't get discouraged. Keep refining your approach based on the feedback you receive.

Remember, patience and persistence are key. Good luck, Zakariyah! If you have specific questions or need more tailored advice, feel free to ask.

hello...I was released from my previous company...and will be going back to join another company under a new visa...and my residency id is still I need another interpol letter and a new medical?