Being scammed, please help!!!

Need good legal council ASAP. Moved to Santo Domingo one week ago. Just to discover fiance and DR attorney has scammed me out of many dollars. Starting to get a little scary. Can anyone direct me to good attorney that deals with expat issues in Santo Domingo or Este. Can't go back to Texas and it may not be safe for me here

Hi Chris.  You can contact me privately.  Be very careful.  This is a very common but dangerous situation here.

Yes, I am a bit frightened. I called the us embassy to let them know I am having problems. I now have much evidense backed up to my phone and google cloud. But it looks like her and somebody are planning what to do with me while keeping as much of my money as possible. There is nothing left for me in Texas, but if I leave my our apartment here in Santo Domingo, they will find a way to take everything I have here, including my 3 month old car that I paid 45k USD for. She convinced me that I couldn't buy a car here, so I stupidly put it in her name

Sorry this had to happen to you amigo. Hope you can find resolution to the problem. I will advice you to get an attorney that speaks good English and preferably American if available, since most Dominican attorneys will rarely want to go against another Dominican attorney in these type of cases. Good luck and as one of the previous posters said, this type of stuff is all too common in DR and unfortunately more folks are not open about sharing these type of experiences on this forum. Don't let the smiles and palm trees fool you. Always keep your head on a swivel.

I am grateful for this post, now I really have to prepare my self mentally before moving there, If I will.🤔

@chrisfaithac hi there...i am sorry to hear of your situation, one i have seen many many times...sadly, there is nothing you can do about the car.  it is already in her name and you cannot unring that bell.  . i hope you get a great set of attorneys to salvage what is left...try the firm of Guzman Ariza.

@L T95 how is an American attorney going to help him in an impasse with a Dominican? what is needed is a good Dominican attorney from a reputable firm. 

I agree you need a good English speaking attorney asap! I can recommend one but he does not speak English!

You will want one who is a bit tigre as well. 

@planner absolutely correct.  there is no way to get that car back short of getting some muscle...something like a lawyer who has some generalissimo buddies who threaten to do harm if  the car is not freed..

For the record - expats can own vehicles. Expats can own real estate. Expats can own businesses and corporations!

You are in a bad situation and it takes another "bad" attorney to deal with a situation like this one.  Check your private messages...

I am curious. What happened exactly if you can share?

I bought a house:

  • Had a lawyer
  • Trusted by Real estate agent
  • - The property was being sold by a British couple breaking up
  • House was appraised at a lower amount than offered but I was buying lifestyle - not value
  • The properties are under-appraised - not sure why
  • I wrote some of my own legal briefs although I am not a lawyer and my lawyer acquiesced
  • House was inspected
  • I got a mortgage from Banco Santa Cruz - a legitimate real bank
  • So far, so good

@chrisfaithac Victoria Mercedes *** Very good lawyer but she doesn't speak English.

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@chrisfaithac email me and I can recommend you a good lawyer. There is also other things you can do beside hiring a lawyer. You need to have people within military or higher position .

I am so sorry this happened to you. Praying your situation turns out alright. I am from Texas and buying a condo in Punta Cana so your story hits home.

i hope this does not come off sounding cruel, but the moral of the story in this case is that one should seek knowledgeable advice before  making spending decisions such as these.  if you are going to buy a house, have a talk with someone who knows the house busines before shelling out the money.  same for cars...people who know about buying and selling cars would have told you that you do not need to be Dominican to own a car.  i hope this situation can be saved...i would hate to see you ruined by some ne'er do well lowlife.

I hate you had to go through this! I saw from your other thread that it sounds like you've settled this situation.

I know it's been a traumatic experience, but if and when you are ready to share details, you could help others avoid a similar situation. We hear of this happening, but it's always after the fact! It would be great if you could help educate others - sort of a "things I wish I had known".

  • How and where did you meet your fiance (here on vacation, online, in Texas, etc.)?
  • What was her story? Was she in school? Does she have kids? Was she asking for money before you moved down here?
  • How long have you known her?
  • In retrospect, were there red flags that you missed, or that she explained away?

@ddmcghee red flags?

if you go somewhere to buy something that costs 45,000USD, and someone tells you that you cannot put the proof of ownership documents in your name, i would say that is a red flag, no?

@ddmcghee you forgot this one.....

is the age difference between you like 40 years?

Ok I am about to shut this down! 

@cruffman I'm trying to be sensitive to a very traumatic experience that the OP has been through, but want to see if, through his experience, others can benefit. We shouldn't make any assumptions about his situation.

i am equally sympathetic to the plight of the op...

however, someone earlier in the thread observed that this kind of event is par for the course here.   you made mention of a number of factors which are common to the asked some  questions which are pertinent to these outcomes and i simply added another..

@D T735

I really need help.  I got scammed by a Haitian women and she is holding my baby hostage for money.  I was also deported because they believed her lies and wouldnt get me someone to speak english to explain the terrible things that this woman has done to me and my daughter. Is there anything you can do to help me?

I hope someone can recommend a good lawyer for you.