Secure your financial assets as an expat in Indonesia

Hello everyone,

As we navigate the exciting world of living and working in Indonesia, it's essential to make informed decisions about our financial future.
We'd love to hear about the different investment options available for expats: how to invest in Indonesia or in your home country, explore international options or use online accounts.

To kick off the discussion, here are some guiding questions:

What are the investment opportunities as an expat in Indonesia? Are there any specific investment programs?

In your opinion, what are the advantages and disadvantages of investing internationally ? How is your experience with international investments?

What specific points should you consider regarding your investments as an expat (exchange rate management, international tax obligations or repatriation of funds)?

Do you use specialized banking services for expats, such as multi-currency accounts? What are the pros of these services and how do they help you with your finances?

How is the property market for expats? Are there any specific regulations or aspects we should be aware of when investing in real estate in Indonesia?

What strategies do you apply to save and invest for your financial future in Indonesia and/or to secure your children's financial future?

Thank you very much for sharing your experience with us!

Cheryl Team



i thought this type of advertising ( spam ) content wasn't a;;owed on expats according to your rules and regulations , it appears that the team are allowing more advertising into this format, and soon as most others are like it will become an advertising platform for most company's and personal businesses for gain , i personally believe that such content is for gain not advice and i believe you should look closer into the type of advertising you allow on this site and who can post, i realise that there is a fine line but this type of advertising appears commercial not personal.

This is my opinion but I'm sure that others feel the same about this.

Thank you


i thought this type of advertising ( spam ) content wasn't a;;owed on expats according to your rules and regulations ,


For readers who missed the (now removed) offending post, it was a bitcoin scam.

@Daryl - We remove anything we can prove immediately, but it can take a little longer if it's not absolute - we have to be fair in case it's a real poster with an opinion.

Hello everyone,

@ Cdaryl, what post/advert are your referring to, please  ?

Indeed, as Fred mentioned a spam post on bitcoin was removed from this thread as soon as we reviewed the thread..



i've been doing my usual morning round of world newspapers, and a recurring story popped up in one.

It was all about foreigners buying property in Bali - Sadly, the headline and reality don't match.

"Opportunities for Foreigners to Own Homes" was part of the headline, with a specific mention of Bali tossed in.

Many people see buying a home as an investment, something you can pass on to future generations after many happy years in your home, or something you can sell when you feel your time in this world is at a point where you need care and attention in a facility for sad old buggers, but this isn't that.

The commonly presumed investment in property is a nest-egg or whatever is in question as you need to know your investment is actually a time restricted lease and anything you build on the land can be lost at the end of it.

The upshot of the post is simple - watch out for people who tell the truth about investments, just not all of it.


This easy to find address commands an excellent view of the city and is very popular with members of the emergency services.

It comes with free heating and lighting for life, and has a water supply second to none.

Smoking is allowed.

Buying property in Bali may not be much of an investment, much as a good number of people who make money out of sales might well tell you it is.

The island of Java is sinking.

Advice of friends, never invest in this multitude of islands called Indonesia.

At the rate of twenty centimeters per year, Indonesia is gradually sinking into the waters.

The government of Bapak Joko Widodo has just completed the public tender to move the capital Jakarta to the island of Kalimentan, slightly further north of the island of Java. (

This is a great relief for government administrative buildings. We regret that the Government has not taken into account the 279 million inhabitants of the island of Java before.

Land prices will obviously fall in Java. Prices have already tripled on Kalimentan. The immigration services have already adopted new laws so that foreign nationals can legally acquire land in Indonesia, a measure prohibited since 1954 and canceled on May 31, 2023.

Welcome dear foreigners, after a land investment of 20 years, you will get a free swimming pool!

Some Indonesians still believe that a God will come to save them from this terrible management of techtonic conditions and the disastrous management of waste... Rainfall has averaged 700mm per year since 1973 in Indonesia, but no expert in installing gutters is known to date. Force of faith, you will recognize these Indonesians because they do not wish to negotiate the price of their land.

A buyer sent by Allah will buy my house....with future swimming pool, like rooftop!

meaningless influencers, marketing agencies and crooked real estate agents you can now go running photoshop free.