Hello dear Cheryl,
it is a pleasure to respond to your concern and through you other expatriates can learn about the various forms of investment that exist in Japan, by the way we are talking about Micro and medium-sized entrepreneurs, depending on the amount of money that is handled, having a personal company and/or investment through another that already has a company and that due to lack of capital is not doing well, especially today due to the pandemic, many companies and businessmen that have resisted during the pandemic because if they did not go bankrupt they remained but using their funds and with the help of the Government you are looking for sponsors or business partners to get out of the crisis, I am speaking to you in the field of expatriates, not the Japanese themselves.
In my case, as the administrator of a second-hand vehicle export business with the majority of the market outside of Japan, the cost of shipping freight, Container escaches, the closure of all the ports of the countries during 2020 to 2022 it did not allow importers and exporters to carry out trade, now in 2023 there is still the fear of launching into what in the past was a growing business; Within the Japanese market, new forms of business were opened, medium but that require a lot of capital to quickly recover the lost past. Personally I discovered that in agriculture (shady and harvest and sale) vegetables for daily consumption are scarce due to the lack of labor and the advanced age of the owners of agricultural land, the issue is to rent those lands and make them produce during the seasons that certain crops are productive.
2.- The purchase and sale of used agricultural machinery, automobiles and easy sales in auction companies within Japan.-
3 The founding of recycling companies and the collection of supplies for each, agricultural material, machinery and dining items and export to East African countries, and thus move the rotation of economic income that within the system and the Japanese market there are no fears of losses if there are several places of sale and abroad if there is a market.
4.- The disadvantages of dealing with clients from foreign markets such as Africa will always be digital payments for commitments, for this reason you can send them yourself with the help of locals to make sales traveling in person.
5.- In sending and movement of money there is no problem if you have a company in Japan and if they do not exist, also negotiate with companies that are already in operation and buying or selling the products, they will make the due tax declaration and pay the State and the State give the facilities to do business without any difficulty if you act legally.
6 .- I comment generalities and I invite you to come to Japan, which is a good country that does not exist traumas of deception and scams as in other countries, the language is a barrier, there are people already involved in business who guide how to start, seriously doing things and thinking in the long term, Japan is a safe country to invest, if you bring capital from abroad it is even easier, a matter of looking for information gentlemen, without further ado for now I leave you with consideration.