
German Job Seekers Visa


Is it possible if I can apply for Germany Job Seekers visa for the duration of 3 months? I have seen people applying for the 6 months but I intent to apply for 3 months only. let me know if it's possible.

See also

The Working Holiday Visa for GermanyWork visas for GermanyBecoming an ExpatResident VisaA new digital portal to apply for a German visa.

I don't know whether it is possible to get a visa foronly three months - but even with the standard 6-months visa, nothing can stop you from returning home after three.

However, please keep in mind that hiring processes tend to be slow in Germany - so you are unlikely to have found a job after just three months.


Like Beppi mentioned, 6 months is the maximum allowance, it is not an obligation to stay that long. But even if the hiring process is slow in Germany I don’t see it as a reason to stay so long. I think one should research the job market and know beforehand which companies they want to contact and already have set up interviews in advanced.

For most people, this could be completed within a couple of months. After that one is likely just desperate and wasting time and money. I am self-employed and not in such a position but I can’t imagine doing an interview shortly after arrival and accepting that I should wait around in Germany for months spending a couple hundred euros a day for hotels, restaurants etc. just to wait for an answer. If it was a matter of a definite job but somethings had to be settled before starting then it is different. And most people would have to return to their home country to tie up loose ends before starting anyway.

How many companies can there possibly be that one couldn’t contact them within 2 or 3 months? How long is one going to simply wait for an answer after a job interview? I can imagine that there are different standards in different fields but the people who are even eligible for a job seeker visa are the ones most likely to be able to line up a job online. I doubt that it is even worth it for most people to take this approach at all. On the other hand, I think it is good that one will have at least once visited Germany and have a bit of a feel for the country before putting in a huge effort to try to migrate here.