Losing hope to find a job in Taiwan

Good morning.

My name is David, I have been my last year and few months studying Chinese in Taiwan. Since almost the beginning of my studies, I have been trying to find a job in Taiwan with no success.

I speak spanish, english fluently and chinese (level B1).

I have been trying in all the websites that I know, Linkedin, 104, indeed, so on...

I have only been call for an interview 1 time and I wasnt selected, I dont know why, because they are not willing to give me feedback about it. (I already asked and my message was read and ignored).

I have applied with CV written in english and CV written in chinese, both with no result,

Im losing hope to find a job in here, so I will have to come back to Europe.

Does anyone has any advice to find a job? How did you guys did?

My work experience is in the social media world, working for "Youtube" in a team in charge of quality control.

Thank you all!

Hello David,

Hope that are you are fine :)

There are two articles about Work in Taiwan which have been updated a few months ago by our team.

Please feel free to go through them as they might help.



Expat.com Team

@davidantolinserna There may be many applicants with your skills so the competition is tough. Also unless they need your skills specifically why hire a foreigner?


One reason may be xenophobia. The Taiwanese may seem nice but not underneath.

Unless you have skills not found among locals, why hire a foreigner?