
Best parks in West Surabaya?

tai an Zhou

I think I have settled on this area as a good place to live. My main form of exercise is walking, and I would prefer to have fresh air and sunlight and not have to use gyms if necessary.

That being said, there don't seem to be many good parks in the area? I have been using Google maps and TripAdvisor to search but they all seem to be in deeper in the city. Are there any within walking distance? (I see the university campus park but it's kind of far)

Failing that, I guess I could walk around a gated community if I decided to stay in one?

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Lotus Eater

@tai an Zhou

I visited Surabaya a few years back. I went specifically not to visit this industrial city but to relax in the delightful grounds of the ex Dutch colonial hotel, the Majapahit after a business trip to Jakarta.

I’m a keen walker myself; it’s the best form of exercise and one of the safest but the average temperature in Surabaya is a sticky 32 degrees which does not lend itself to walking. Throw in the fact that it’s one of the most polluted cities in Indonesia and you may wish to reconsider your choice of location.

tai an Zhou

I have lived in Singapore most of my life so I'm ok with the heat as long as I can cool down later.

Surabaya is a lot cleaner than Jakarta...?

Lotus Eater

@tai an Zhou

I was only in Surabaya for a few days so cannot answer that question definitively. My initial impression was not favourable though. Although Jakarta is the largest city in Indonesia there is plenty of greenery to be found along with parks. It's actually quite a well laid out city in my view albeit with horrendous traffic congestion.

I suppose if you have a car you can easily escape the city life for the more rural areas but I for one would not wish to drive a car in a metropolis.