Daycare for my toddler while I work in NEOM

I need urgent help, I have an opportunity,in NEOM Saudi, I might get a job through someone but the issue is I absolutely HAVE to take my 3 year old kid with me.

Does anyone in the group know details about NEOM and if there might be daycare for her? Any leads or guidance would be highly appreciated. I need details for her care in Neom and not adjacent places such as Tabuk etc.


I think there are accommodation available.

And will be more better if you got consult with someone in that company.

Yes there is accommodation,my issue is finding a daycare while I will be at work

NEOM is a pretty basic set up at this stage. Don't expect any day care facility - I am not even sure if their school is operational yet or not.  Edit: A friend just told me that they have recently set up a day care nursery which charges 750 SAR per month for half day and 1500 SAR per month for full day.   I don't have contacts for the nursery but it does seem they are moving fast in this area.

And besides, day care facilities (in letter AND in spirit) in this part of the world are pretty rare when compared to the west anyway as most people utilize their live in maids for that. 

@XTang thank you so much. I am unable to get any contact details for the daycare facility. A live-in maid won't be possible for me because I will be living in company accommodation. Getting a job with a toddler doesn't seem likely there then :(