Cheap rentals in Thailand

Do you have cheapest rental apartment that you can recommend? Around 30 usd a month? And what place in Thailand? Planning to stay there with my daughter. From Philippines. Planning to study Thai language . Thanks

Do you have cheapest rental apartment that you can recommend? Around 30 usd a month? And what place in Thailand? Planning to stay there with my daughter. From Philippines. Planning to study Thai language . Thanks

A condo for $30/ month in Thailand? Good luck with that.

What planet are you living on?

In the jungle in a Karen village near Myanmar boarder 😁

It's best you stay there.


There is no accommodation for the price you said, and if there is, there is no safety for you and your daughter. Thank1f600.svg1f600.svg1f600.svg


You can try this place in Bangkok near BTS Krungthonburi Metro Skytrain station they have rooms but just ceiling fan (no aircon) without furniture, for 3,000 baht (about 90US$) + electricity and water paid separate end of month by meter.

APNS Apartment อำไพนพศรีอพาต์เมนท์

In Pattaya there are:

SPORTS MANSION also for 3,000 baht month with aircon and furniture but separate electricity, Tv, Wi-Fi to pay monthly.

BABY Apartments they have rooms with furniture and aircon but the price was 5,000 baht last time I know

You can find on Google maps more

You can try this place in Bangkok near BTS Krungthonburi Metro Skytrain station they have rooms but just ceiling fan (no aircon) without furniture, for 3,000 baht (about 90US$) + electricity and water paid separate end of month by meter.
APNS Apartment อำไพนพศรีอพาต์เมนท์
In Pattaya there are:
SPORTS MANSION also for 3,000 baht month with aircon and furniture but separate electricity, Tv, Wi-Fi to pay monthly.

BABY Apartments they have rooms with furniture and aircon but the price was 5,000 baht last time I know

You can find on Google maps more
-@Maxi Mari

The question was about an apartment/condo for $30/month which is totally impossible to find.

@Maxi Mari

Thank you so much. Big help for us.


Hi, check that out if it can help

Good luck to you both :)


How do you rent a 1,000 baht a month house in Thailand?

Graham and his Thai wife, Pie, live in Chiang Saen in Chiang Rai province in far north Thailand, just meters from the Laos border.

They have a Youtube channel where you can find infos that may help you :)

Amazing what you can find for 1000-1500 baht a month.  For 10,000 baht you can get a decent condo with pool, security, air conditioning, & furnished. Less if you don't care about the neighborhood you live in.

@Vera Lynn12

Do you have link of their youtube? Thanks



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