Shipping my stuff from outside the EU - VAT exemption

Hello all,

I've been reading that we won't have to pay VAT on my belongings when shipping them to Denmark if we meet the criteria. My husband and I are coming from Japan and are responsible for shipping costs of our items. We have recently gained residence and are only shipping personal goods, with no plan to sell our items within the first 12 months.

One of the requirements is that we have owned our belongings more than 6 months. We have, but how to we prove that? I'm so confused about this part.

If anyone has gone through this, please let me know what you did to get the VAT exemption.

I also want to note that we are not shipping any furniture or easily replaceable items. Just our clothes, work computers, and sentimental items, maybe 2 or 3 meters cubed if we ship LCL.

Hi Kaia,

It's correct that due to the rules you shall be able to prove that you have owned your items for more than six months, but if your items looked used, don't worry. It's all about preventing people to import goods with a sale's purpose.
