US to HCMC soon, easiest/cheapest way to transfer money to/from US?

I also have an ICBC account from China and there are some in Vietnam. I have figured a cheap and easy way to transfer between China and the US. I know I can pull money out from ICBC in Vietnam with minimal charges, actually it may be free..I don't remember. I would prefer NOT to use Western Union or opening a Wells Fargo account to transfer (charge an arm and a leg) those things, does anyone know of inexpensive ways or do you suggest I just stick with my idea of transferring from my US to China account and pulling money from there?

Open to suggestions from people that have more experience here..thanks

I use Wise to transfer from my US Bank to my Vietnamese bank.

About $10 in fees for every $1000 sent. Takes a few seconds to post in your Việt bank account, usually.