Skilled Worker Visa Appeal in Norway: Seeking Information

Hello everyone,

I hope you're all well. I'm currently in Norway, and I'm in the process of appealing for a Skilled Worker Visa. I've recently submitted my appeal on August 3 and received an acknowledgment email the following day, confirming the receipt of my appeal. While I await a response, I have a few questions that I hope some of you might be able to help me with:

Response Time: Could anyone share their experience regarding the average time it takes to receive a response to a Skilled Worker Visa appeal? I'm eager to know when I might expect an update on my appeal status.

Stay Duration: I've been informed that I am allowed to stay in Norway while waiting for the appeal response. Does this mean I can remain in Norway even after my study residence permit expires on August 31, 2023? I'm hoping for some clarification on this matter.

Work Eligibility: During this waiting period, am I still permitted to work using my student residence permit until August 31? If anyone has been in a similar situation or has information about this, I'd greatly appreciate your insights.

I understand that each case can be unique, but hearing about your experiences and insights would be incredibly helpful to me as I navigate this process.

Thank you in advance for your assistance and any advice you can provide. … p;amp;ss=3

It is currently 4 months, but if it is forwarded to UNE, 2 more months on top of the 4 months.


I appreciate the response and the helpful link. However, I'm particularly interested in hearing from individuals who are currently in Norway or have been through the process of waiting for a Skilled Worker Visa appeal. Your personal experiences and insights would provide me with a more comprehensive understanding of the situation.

If you're in a similar situation or have gone through this process, I would greatly appreciate it if you could share:

  • How long did it take for you to receive a response to your Skilled Worker Visa appeal?
  • Were you able to remain in Norway even after your previous residence permit expired during the appeal process?
  • Did you continue to work using your previous permit while waiting for the appeal outcome?

Your firsthand accounts would be invaluable to me as I navigate through this period of uncertainty. Thank you for taking the time to share your experiences.

Hello everyone,

I'm excited to share wonderful news with everyone. Today, on August 15, 2023, I received the fantastic news that I've been granted a one-year temporary residence permit! The feeling of joy and gratitude is overwhelming, especially after the challenges of the appeal process.

I want to take a moment to express my heartfelt gratitude to the Almighty.

Here's to hoping that everyone in this journey will experience positive outcomes as well.

@ManilaJoy Congratulations ^^

Your patience has been rewarded.

All the very best in your futur endeavours


@ManilaJoy hello please how have you applied to schooled there.please orientate me for the admissions

I have submitted my application 28.04.2023 for skilled work permit visa still is in processing.

Can any know how much longer time i have to wait for desicion.??????

I have submitted my application 28.04.2023 for skilled work permit visa still is in processing.
Can any know how much longer time i have to wait for desicion.??????
-@sandeep kumar62

As each case is different and done separately no one here can tell you.

May i ask why it was rejected and what did you add for it to be accepted? im going through something similar atm

@Stephen A Hello! For my skilled worker visa application, the main reason for the initial rejection was that the salary offered was below the minimum requirement. My employer later increased the salary to meet the minimum standards. Additionally, they mentioned that my Bachelor of Science in Hotel and Restaurant Management degree didn't align with the job of a Chef, despite the fact that many of my major subjects were related to cooking. I wrote an explanation letter, breaking down how my coursework was relevant to being a chef. They also questioned my qualifications as a Chef, even though I had over 7 years of experience as a Head Chef. To address this, I obtained an endorsement letter and a revised certificate from my previous employer, highlighting my achievements during my tenure.

It's worth noting that I had already included my university transcript, diploma, and employment certificate from my previous job in my initial application for the skilled worker visa. It appears that these documents may not have been thoroughly reviewed at that time. Nonetheless, the combination of these efforts, along with the increased salary offer and detailed explanations, eventually led to my acceptance for the skilled worker visa.