
Bear-Visiting China soon


Hello all, I am American and will be visiting China soon.  There is much concern about the safety of going to China from America due to the tensions between the two countries.  Has anyone from America that has gone or is now in China encountered or had a fears about your travel?

Thanks for any advice or opinions anyone is able to share.

See also

Living in China: the expat guideCost of living in China in 2025Studying in China with HivGetting Chinese work visa with no degree, and starting my own companyHIV and a work/Z visa


Honestly, the most dangerous place is America,  China will be a big relief as far as safety and security are concerned. 

Many foreigners move to china with their kids and never want to come back because it is so safe.  Drop the american news as the american media is purely and simply total trash.

I lived for 14 years in Shanghai and it was total bliss as far as safety.  My son could play outside in the dark with no worries.  You will see….lol


Hello everyone,

@ Lmflmf1,

Please note that I have moved your post to this thread of the China forum. The OP had opened an identical thread from his post published on the new members thread....

All the best



@Bear777 5 years ago, i was not forced to describe my travel (and get hotel reservation for each step) in China before getting any visa. Now it's very different...  China mainland is sure. Never had any security problem everywhere I went. But one month ago big problem with SECURITY !  i was controlled at a checkpoint between Ningming and Vietnam, and it was very long to be allowed to continue (with my taxi who was also forced to wait). He asked who were my contacts in China, what I was doing there, etc.... parano :-(