Family reunion visa for elderly parents who are non-EU citizens

Hi everyone,

I'm a German citizen (aka EU citizen) and I'd like to move to Belgium soon, then apply for a family reunion visa for my Malaysian parents (67 and 69 respectively) to join me in Belgium so that I can look after them.

  • Has anyone heard of a successful approval for a family reunion visa for retired parents? If yes, kindly share your experience.
  • How soon would I be able to apply for a family reunion visa for my parents?

Thank you so much everyone for your kind help. Have a nice day.

As an EU citizen (and non-Belgian) you can do the family reunion with the parents.

You just need a stable job + regular incomes (2008+€/month) + insurance/mutuality + accomodation

Technically speaking, you'll need to wait the first tax report the next year after your arrival in Belgium, but that could be probably bypassed with a lawyer

As an EU citizen (and non-Belgian) you can do the family reunion with the parents.
You just need a stable job + regular incomes (2008+€/month) + insurance/mutuality + accomodation
Technically speaking, you'll need to wait the first tax report the next year after your arrival in Belgium, but that could be probably bypassed with a lawyer

Can a belgian citizen do family reunification with non eu parents?

@AlexFromBelgium Dear Alex, thank you so much for the helpful and prompt reply! Much appreciated  1f64f.svg

I have already made an appointment with a lawyer, speaking to her next week. Thank you for bringing up this point about waiting for the first tax report for the next year. I will definitely ask my lawyer about this.

I really appreciate you Alex! Knowing that there is hope at the end of the tunnel really made my day :)

Stay healthy and I hope you have a nice start to the new week.

@hssn601 Hi there, I believe based on the reply from Alex and based on my own research, if it is possible for EU citizens, it is definitely possible for Belgian citizens, because Belgium is part of the EU, therefore, their citizens are also considered EU citizens.

Hope this helps.

I tried but not able to find any link explaining this, i thought only humanitarian visa can be requested for parents.

Nope, it's forbidden for Belgian citizens...

Only allowed for EU non-Belgian

That's because of historical abuse... EU non-Belgian have more rights with immigration than Belgian, that's always been a fact.

@AlexFromBelgium Wow... that is, I don't even know what to say. Out of this world weird logic. But ok, I learn something new. Thank you Alex!

@hssn601 Sorry, I was wrong. Sorry it isn't possible for you as a Belgian citizen.

But in case it helps, if the immigration for my parents doesn't work out, I was also contemplating getting a Portugal D-7 visa for them.

Check it out, maybe it might be an option for your parents too. Take care and good luck.