Traveling with an Orange Card

I will be receiving my orange card in October and my partner and I would like to visit Poland to see family for Christmas and New years. I am an American citizen and never needed a visa to enter or leave the country. Even though I'm on an orange card, would I be able to simply use my passport to gain entry back into Belgium?

Hello Sarah0524,

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Cheryl team

You need to do some math...

As an American citizen, you're allowed to stay 90d per 180d in the Schengen Area.

If you didn't travel in EU in the last 180d, you should be fine for December :)

But check on the EU's calculator website just to be sure: … tm?lang=en

If you are within 90 days of your entry in Schengen, it is possible and you do not have to show Orange card. If more than 90 days then you risk trouble and Airlines might to board you.

Best is to ''drive'' an there are no Schengen borders and even if stopped nothing will happen if you stay within Schengen zone.

@AlexFromBelgium I've been in Belgium for over a year - since August 2022. I traveled to Poland and back in December 2022 while I was on a student permit. My student permit is expiring and I'm receiving an orange card instead this October. So I shouldn't travel?