Established community where I can buy or rent property

Hello, my name is Lawrence and I'm retired.  I live in Oklahoma among the Cherokee Native Americans.  I have a question that pertains to Panama and perhaps other expat destinations.  I'm looking for an established community where properties can be rented or purchased with a focus on expats.  Another possibility would a agency that caters to expats looking to retire in Panama.  I hope that I haven't raised to many red flags, but starting from square one is not an option for me.  Any suggestions or referrals would be great.

Hello again and thanks to all,  Lawrence

Hello and welcome on board, Lawrence !

I have created this new thread from your post on the Panama forum so that members may guide you.

Till they share some feedback with you, have a look at the following article, you will find some useful links at the bottom : Buying real estate in Panama

All the best


There are a lot of expat areas in Panama. If you want beach (hot), Coronado is a good area to be in. If you want mountains (cool) Boquete is one of the top expat destinations in the entire country. Both areas have rental agents that specialize in the expat market. Know that the more "expat" you want to live, the more expensive it's going to be.

Panama Relocation Tours caters to expats interested in moving here. Besides the tours, they have lots of helpful info and videos and who knows what all else. Maybe you'll find something helpful there