
completing eticket for immigration


Hi there. I am trying to complete my entry eticket for immigration. I am having difficulty completing the portion requiring information about the address of where I will be staying. It doesn't recognize the names I am giving. It accepts the province but not the municipality and I don't know what is meant by section. Can anyone help me out there? Thanks.

See also

Citizenship in the Dominican RepublicTraveling to the Dominican RepublicRetiring in the Dominican RepublicGetting married in the Dominican RepublicDeath in the Dominican Republic

Tell us where you will stay and we can provide help. Often you simply use a place close by, usually larger


@PatriciaPMC hi Patricia, I had the same problem at the beginning, it wouldn’t recognize my address, I put in the next best hotel and that’s what I’ve been using.  they just look at the QR code, date and name.


Hi Patricia, I use the next largest hotel. They are only interested in QR code, name and date. I go to DR every 4-6 weeks and no problem.


Finding a way to make the system work correctly is better than utilizing a work around with false information.


Often the system doesn't have all the locations. Workaround is the only solution!



I experienced the same problem. I just chose something, anything, from the list. No one checks or verifies it.


I would suggest at least using something close if possible.  Example Cofresi on the north coast may not be on the list but Puerto Plata city is and it's in the province of Puerto Plata as well.


I also had the same problem…. Pick something else off the list nobody Checks, whatever you ck take screenshot so you can do the next time , if they ever stop you play the confused tourist….. 🤪


I flew from Calgary Canada on 08 Sep to my stop at Newark NJ then to STI on 09 Sep. I tried to complete the form a while before with once on the Immagracion site wheren they repsonded when I could not finish - ie: filling Province & one other spot right after it. After reading through the site it stated fill in/submit 72 hrs in advance of arrival. When I waited & did that I had no problems. Perhaps that may be your issue!?! Cheers