Suggestions for a first time Traveller to Australia


I am 24 yrs old and planning to move to Australia to study for my masters degree and work of course but with the inflation that's going on in the market I am quite indecisive on what would the the great next step for brighter future,🫤

@rdolkar515 hello and welcome on board !

Feel free to post your question on the Australia forum. Where in Australia would you be going to uni ?



Well the first option is Mudroc uni if I stay in perth but I feel like Canberra would be better.what do u suggest for a first time Traveller who is unaware of the situation there?

@rdolkar515 Hello again,

Please note that I have created a new thread from your post on the Australia forum so that members can guide you.

My first advice would be to communicate with the Embassy and to know where is your embassy found in case you need them.

For the rest, I hope members will guide you with more practical infos.

All the best


will be grateful