Making friends in Lisbon

My name is Kirill, I'm single self-taught philolographist from St.Petersburg. Currently living alone in Lisbon Portuguese citizen of Northern origin I'm interesting in Fine Arts, sciences and nature.

Staying out of my community in Lisbon I'm looking for international friendship. Actually I'm open to every kind-hearted contacts here ****  Kirill

Moderated by Bhavna 7 months ago
Reason : For security reasons, please share contact details through the private messaging system. Thank you
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Hi Kirill,

Please don't share your contacts on a public forum. You will find many meetup groups with activities of every kind.

Some help here:

How to build a social circle from scratch in Portugal

     Some meetup groups … 30#4966994

     (Post #2)

     Facebook groups … 30#5505120

     (Post #17)


    My name is Kirill, I'm single self-taught philolographist from St.Petersburg. Currently living alone in Lisbon Portuguese citizen of Northern origin I'm interesting in Fine Arts, sciences and nature.
Staying apart from some groups of expats that isn't community I'm looking for international friendship in Lisbon.

Actually I'm open to every kind-hearted contacts here. 



I see... Preferably someone who has a room to rent and can get you a good job ;)...

Actually, yes, since friend-in-need is Friend indeed, isn't it?

Kirill, Aside from general conversation I am not much help to you: In California thinking I'd like to see and know something of Portugal this coming winter.  Am assuming The St. Petersburg you refer is Florida?  Just guessing that if you are doing Lisbon without housing and income sorted out.. it could be tough going?  Had some time in Europe when I was 21, 5 decades older currently.  Germany in the US Army after Vietnam.  Came across plenty of expats that were bumming it there, had all kinds of ways to stretch their stay on too little funds.  But they were having a great time and supported each other, a lot in just sharing info on good deals for eating, housing and great ski lift tickets.  I got out of the Army there, bought a BSA motorcycle in London then with backpack on the sissybar, spent the summer touring on that bike.  On a budget.  Got back to California fairly broke, got a minimal job and got on with life.  That summer there has been one of the highlights of my life.

Richard Daniel

  Am assuming The St. Petersburg you refer is Florida?      -@430nsunny

Wrong. I don't think it's that St Petersburg that Kirill is referring to... I think it's the original, in eastern Europe specifically....