Montenegrin Visa/Schengen

We desperately need the experience of this group. We leave for an overseas trip that includes Dubai, Italy & Montenegro. I hold an Italian & SA passport. My husband a SA passport. We were told you can enter Montenegro with a Shengen visa. Apparently this is only possible if your first port of call is a Schengen country. We have now been told that we require a Montenegrin visa & that it will not be processed in time. We leave on the 1 Dec. We live in Cape Town & I believe that you have to apply via the Serbian Embassy as there is no Montenegrin one. I was on their site when I first started researching our trip. Not very clear & I received no response to my email. We are hoping to move to Montenegro in a year & this is our “scouting” trip. Please help🙏🏻

You can enter Montenegro for up to 30 days if you hold a valid Schengen, USA and UK visa.

Imaoci putnih isprva sa važećom Šengen vizom, važećom vizom Sjedinjenih Američkih Država, Ujedinjenog Kraljevstva Velike Britanije i Sjeverne Irske i Republike Irske ili dozvolom boravka u tim zemljama mogu ulaziti i boraviti, odnosno prelaziti preko teritorije Crne Gore do 30 dana, a najduže do isteka vize, ako je vrijeme važenja te vize kraće od 30 dana.

It is the official government document. … 0Qq3J4xrT4

@mocke2003 If your husband holds a valid Schengen visa (or a valid EU residence permit, a valid visa of the United States of America, United Kingdom, Northern Ireland, Republic of Ireland, Japan, Australia, New Zealand, Bulgaria, Romania), you may enter and stay, i.e. pass through the territory of Montenegro up to 30 days, and not longer than the expiry of visa, if the period of validity of the visa is less than thirty days. Unless his visa is already expired or you need more than 30days of stay inside Montenegro, there is no need to get a separate visa.