Need information - GAMCO for Oman


We will be relocating (hopefully) to Oman in next few months. My wife got a job and once she gets there, she will sponsor the family visa for the entire family.

Regarding GAMCO test, I have been checking various forums since morning and need some help and rather reassurance :-)

  • I am not a chain smoker but I do smoke and I am worried by Xray would be unfit. I will get it checked before GAMCO but generally, if any smoker here who successfully managed to clear GAMCO can share his / her experience?
  • I am slightly over weight and for this reason by ALT is usually on the higher side due to fatty liver but I don't have Hep A,B or C. I have been advised to start black coffee, reduce weight, avoid fatty food and take silver to increase liver health and since I have 3 months, i should be able to reduce it but from your experience, I am just wondering that do they make you unfit just for increased ALT?

Would appreciate the help and advise. thanks!

@asimnaveed hi I am chain smoker I have done it couple of month ago and weight is also not an issue.