I missed you all

So after an absence I returned. I live in Siem Reap. Have been here this time going on two years. Have a wonderful Khmer person to share my life with here. She puts up with me and has my respect for that. I love her very much. Life is very good to me in Siem Reap these days. I'll try to behave myself but chances are I will say stupid things. Sorry in advance :-).


Welcome back man!


@mpmilestogo don't want to upset you but remember if the cash runs out so will they but as long as you take care you will be fine 🙂

@Pablo joule hahahaha. Thanks. I'll try to remember. I'll ask her what happens when the money runs out. We've been together almost a year now and the money has run out a few times due to unforeseen expenses like her health care.  Nothing much happened then. Eagerly anticipating her giving me 10k Riel this morning for coffee. I guess I'm the one that has no money.

@mpmilestogo I tried to hit you up a few times man but never got a response. I'm glad that you're ok and doing fine. Had got a little worried about you.

Hey Paul. So sorry about that. All is good here. When you gonna be coming to Phnom Penh?

@mpmilestogo I'm putting my house up for sale in January. Once it sells I'll be on a plane 45 days later.

    So after an absence I returned. I live in Siem Reap. Have been here this time going on two years. Have a wonderful Khmer person to share my life with here. She puts up with me and has my respect for that. I love her very much. Life is very good to me in Siem Reap these days. I'll try to behave myself but chances are I will say stupid things. Sorry in advance :-).


I had a feeling you couldn't stay away from the forum for very long...