Your neighbours in Austria

Hello everyone,

When you move in Austria, relationships with your neighbours can play a vital role in your well-being and integration. Share your experiences of the interactions and routines that punctuate your daily life in Austria:

Tell us about your relationships with your neighbours in Austria. Do you have any anecdotes to share, moments of solidarity or community initiatives that have touched you?

Are there any specific customs or cultural norms to be respected between neighbours? For example, is it normal to introduce yourself to your neighbours and invite them over when you move in Austria?

Do you have any tips or advice for fostering good neighbourly relations in Austria? How do you deal with the differences and diversities that can exist within the community?

Are there any initiatives to organise activities between neighbours, whether official events or spontaneous gatherings?

Are your neighbours expats or locals? How does this influence your experience in Austria?

By sharing your experiences, you enrich everyone's understanding of life in Austria and help many people to plan their life abroad.

Thank you all for your contributions.

Cheryl Team


You raise useful questions about neighbours in Austria.

The issue of neighbours in Austria is a sensitive one. There are no easy and fast rules. Here are a few thoughts.

_ Everything depends on which neighborhood you move to; this will make or break your experience in Austria.

_ It is useful to thoroughly investigate what kind of neighbours you will have.

_ Do not move into a neighbourhood that does not fit your lifestyle or values; there are some ethnic neighbourhoods.

_ In bigger cities, like Vienna, Linz, and Graz, there is anonymity; still, neighbours make a big difference.

_ In the countryside, usually people are more welcoming, with exceptions.

_ There are some neighborhoods / areas that prefer to remain amongst themselves; if you are not their "style" then they will not socialize with you.

_ Austria is quite diverse within, in regards to local habits and peoples, e.g. Vorarlberg and Burgenland are not only different in landscape but also in the type of people you encounter.

_ Depending on the neighborhood, the neighbours stage local events and you can try to get involved. Other neighbours are inimical, these people do not allow anyone into their small world; let them alone.

_ One tip: Austrians often are skeptical, exclusive, or even outright unfriendly to strangers; that does not necessarily mean that you could not develop productive relationships or even friendships later on.  Don't appear too friendly, but be yourself.

Wish you all the best in your search for the right place.
