The difference between a blacklist and travel bans.

I have been getting dozens of private messages on this topic.  So for one last time, let me clarify for everyone and hope (which is misplaced I guess) that they will bother to read instead of asking the same question again and again.  First of all, try and understand the difference between a blacklist and travel bans.

Travel bans are court ordered and can be checked on  These are ordered by court to immigration and once removed, immigration does NOT enforce them anymore.  You owe someone money, didn't pay, went to court, you lost and still didn't goes to execution court and then travel ban.

Blacklists are NOT published and even though you may approach immigration with your passport details, they may NOT confirm or deny that you are on one.  The only way to know for sure is to apply for a visa.  Blacklists are created for many reasons but primarily have to do with your past history in the country (crime, illegal activity or overstays).  And even if you are taken off them, it does not mean that you will get a fact, in most cases you won't.   Because while you are on that list, it says to immigration "NEVER let this person in" but when you are off it, just because of the fact that you were once on it, it says to immigration "This person is no longer on a blacklist so you can let him in IF YOU DON'T THINK HE IS A RISK"............and in majority of the cases, no immigration officer wants to take a risk by letting you in.  Simple human psychology.   To explain this in a simple way with a bad example:  You go to a club regularly and every time you get drunk & loud.  One day, you get involved in a fight and as a result, you get banned from the club.  It is proved that the fight was not your fault.  You are unbanned but the club still never lets you in.  Why?   because with your behavior, you are a walking time bomb which attracts trouble and no one wants that around.   It is the same here................bad judgement / behavior can lead to long lasting implications when it comes to visas all around the world - many countries will not give you a visit visa even if you have even a minor felony.

Now the different types of cases:

1) If you have been deported from Bahrain, the chances of you every coming back or getting another visa are close to zero.  It is absolute zero if it was a criminal case and on top of that, it may spoil your chances in other GCC countries as well if it was a serious case.  There is NO way of getting this overturned short of knowing some very senior people at the top of the government who can act on your behalf  (Status can be checked with immigration using passport details)

2) If you had a legal case or difficulties without getting deported but still ended up on a blacklist.  Again the chances are limited because, first, you will have to pay the lawyers to settle all these cases and get the record removed.  After that, there is NO guarantee that immigration won't reject your visa.   This is because immigration acts on the basis of doubt and they don't have to justify their refusal to ANYONE  (Status can be checked in the first case with immigration but once removed from blacklist, no point in checking if refused as refusal is not on the basis of blacklist)

3) If you overstayed then your chances can vary.  If the overstay period was long e.g. years........and you left on your own after paying fines, chances are again, close to zero.  If it was short, then again, the chances are not great.  The only way out in both of these cases, depends on your employer i.e. how much of an effort they make with immigration to get you a visa and how influential they are in that (big company, lots of employees, connection with chamber of commerce etc).  (Status cannot be checked with immigration as you are NOT on a blacklist...........its just because that you overstayed that your name is flagged as a risk.............and will always remain as a risk..........never to be removed)

Hope it is clear now so please stop sending me private messages with the same question again and again.


I have a few question which I hope you can help with. I left Bahrain about 7 years ago and had an unpaid credit card. I do not know if I have any case filed against me. I paid a PRO / document clearing company to check if I have any active case in Immigration and upon checking, they told me I do not have any active case. I also checked on [link under review] if I have any case using my old CPR number and it also says no case. I also applied for a visit visa and it was approved. Just want to check.. do you think there is still any way I may be in trouble if I travel there? Is there any way there might be a case against me? If there is, I shouldn't have received the visa right?

Thank you in advance for your help.

No way to tell honestly.

@XTang so would you advise to just not travel there? What else can I do or check to be more certain that there is no case?

Look it's been 7 years. Systems have changed multiple times.  I have seen it happen to people who thought they were in the clear, get into trouble.... Just because they ended up in a situation that linked them with old records.  You can do nothing more.  Maybe nothing will happen maybe something will.  A good learning for the future is to never run off without paying your debts.

What is the worst that can happen if I travel therr and there is case? Will I be jailed?

Depends on the amount owed, the case filed, whether the amount was written off or not, whether the debt was handed over to a collection agency etc etc.  Many variables. Worst case, probably travel ban as there is no jail for civil suits, not involving fraud.

@XTang One of our employee has been runaway from the company & we found him working in multiple places with our visa. We filed a runway case in LMRA & the case has been accepted & the runaway is completed. We also filed a case in the police station & they are not taking any action telling that they have already transferred the case to the court.

He is also influencing another of our employee & insisting him to leave. Is there any way we could blacklist & deport him immediately?

Appreciate your response.

No. You did all you could. Blacklist and deport is not in your power and is with lmra / npra after they follow due process.

@XTang Thank you so much brother. 

Last year I came my country from bahrain when I came my country there no have any case nothing I have open my own cr after  3 month my invester visa was automatically cancel I don't know why. Any I apply new visa newly visa show expired and my owner say I have case in bahrain how before I come my country no have any case now how  can i have case

I would recommend you hire a lawyer and find out.

How can I hire lawyer from my country. I am fom nepal. And I want to know what case I have.. Can I know what is the case Or what is the problem in immigration department for me in online. Please suggest me..

Pick up the phone and call lawyers in Bahrain.  How else?