US Pension advice

Hi All,

Im British and married to an American lady, we live over here in the UK and have done since 2006. Im 68 and draw a state pension for myself. My wife is 64. Prior to her moving over to the UK she worked as a teaching assistant in Kentucky for many years. She has had various jobs since we moved to the UK, but earlier this year she seriously injured her back and hasnt been fit to work sine March. She has been told by her GP that its doubtful she will ever be fit enough to work again, so she is contemplating taking early retirement . Here is my question : We have been told by a USA benefits official ( we visited Kentucky a couple of months ago and had a meeting with the local social security office ) who told my wife that yes, she would be entitled to claim her American pension , even though we live over here in the UK.

She was told that everything would have to be dealt with through the USA Embassy in London, and we have them telephoning us in just over a weeks time to discuss her pension, and what she has to do next.

She was also told that she could also claim 50% extra of her pension as she is married to me, a retired British citizen She was told that in order for this to happen I would have to have an American social security number and in order for this to happen I would have to travel down to the American Embassy in London for an appointment face to face along with roof of who I am.

All this ( evidently ) should by made clearer with the forthcoming telephone call to our house from the Embassy, just wondering if anyone on here has been through this pension stuff before, and whether what we have been told is pretty much correct?

Many thanks  ~~ Andy

Hi and welcome to the Forum.

I can't advise you on the US aspect of your pension, but if any of you have been living and working in the UK and been paying UK National Insurance contributions, then you may be entitled to a UK state pension.  You can get more details from the UK Gov website and this link will take you straight to it.

Further, your wife may be entitled to further financial help from the UK Government; this link will take you straight to the section of the UK Government website with the details.

Finally, there is an organisation in the UK called Citizens Advice Bureau, they're not governmental but will advise you about many things you are unsure about.  They also have a website and this link will take you straight to it; their advice is free.  I should also point out that many things are now nation-state dependent, in other words, different parts (England, Scotland, Wales and N Ireland) of the UK may interpret things differently.

I hope this helps.


Expat Team

Hi Cynic, many thanks for your reply...much appreciated.