Telekom Router


I am with Telekom Hungary for my internet service and at the moment use their box for internet.

I want to install a vpn but don't think i can do it on their box. 

Does anyone know what modems are compatible with their network and what the settings are that would allow me to install a vpn directly on the router?


You can buy whatever router you want that has VPN capability on it, and connect it downstream of your existing modem, then just disable the wifi on the Telekom box (assuming it's a modem/router combo box)

I am with Telekom Hungary for my internet service and at the moment use their box for internet.

I want to install a vpn but don't think i can do it on their box. 

Does anyone know what modems are compatible with their network and what the settings are that would allow me to install a vpn directly on the router?



Do you want incoming VPN AND outgoing VPN?

You can go out to another suitable router via VPN without much of a problem as that's a set up in Windows.

Incoming to Hungary needs a more specialised one with a VPN server.

I do this all the time.  The routers I have used for years are Draytek.  I think so others like TP-Link might do it.  Draytek is not that cheap but I got mine on Ebay.  Works fine.

What I can also tell you is the majority of routers supplied by telcos for retail purposes are truly useless for this.

    You can buy whatever router you want that has VPN capability on it, and connect it downstream of your existing modem, then just disable the wifi on the Telekom box (assuming it's a modem/router combo box)


You don't need to disable WiFi at all.  It's got nothing to do with the ability to use a VPN.

I am not sure why you  said that. What's your rationale?

@fluffy2560 what i am trying to do is make my apple tv think it is in canada.

i have nordvpn installed on the computers and phones but you cant install it directly on apple tv.  so i need it on the router.

but i obviously cant install it on the telekom one provided

    @fluffy2560 what i am trying to do is make my apple tv think it is in canada.
i have nordvpn installed on the computers and phones but you cant install it directly on apple tv.  so i need it on the router.

but i obviously cant install it on the telekom one provided


Yup, got you.    Nearly all telco provided routers are crap of the highest order.  They are really cheap, like $10 each in quantity.  I keep mine in the box and use my own gear.

Most of the commercial VPN providers like NordVPN are known to the TV and other companies so they can detect if you are using one of their IP addresses and block you.  They are able to analyse the packet data and determine if it's a VPN. 

If you use your own VPN, it looks like it's coming from your own place.  There's no way they can detect you're not at home.

This is a bit technical but can be done easily enough with a bit of discussion.

Do you have anyone in Canada still?

What I have is a VPN server capable router installed at the far end at a relatives house (in the UK). It's used as their ordinary network access, it doesn't affect day to day use and they don't notice as I'm using it irregularly.  I can access that router remotely via a dynamic web address so whatever happens I can still configure it if it's switched on. I don't need to be on the remote network to get to it.  The web address is maintained in the router using a free provider (in my case  It updates itself, hence the dynamic part (its called DynDNS).   

All I do then is connect to the remote VPN router via my local router while sitting at my PC.  So I do it based on sessions where I'm shopping or doing something else where I want to avoid stupid geo-location.  It works for Netflix and a bunch of other things I want to do at the mothership (UK). When I finish, I just disconnect from the VPN.

In your case, for your hardware, I think you'll need to set it up as a permanent connection.  This means all your local traffic in HU will be routed to Canada and thence to the Internet.  That's not at all ideal as it'll slow it all down.

Can you run Apple TV services on an ordinary PC in a web browser and not use the Apple TV box? If so that's a lot easier.   Then you just connect to the remote router via your own VPN and stick in whatever address in Canada you want.  I use a small fanless Windows PC to connect to my HDMI port on the back of the TV.  Then my TV is just another PC and I can set up the VPN to the remote router as normal from within Windows.  It's easily good enough speed to watch HD TV.

I don't know much about Apple TV hardware but I've seen the boxes around. 

You don't actually need Apple TV to watch Apple TV shows as you can get them another way with bothering with VPNs. It depends how naughty and ethical you want to be?!