Sao paulo policia federal taking longer for naturalization

so i applied for naturalization here in sao Paulo, its over 180 days

but i have been invited already for my biometrics and also have been visited by two policia federal officers at my home they only asked a few questions we exchanged pleasantries and they left

its been two months since my biometrics was collected and also its been two months since the policia federal officers visited me and my application is still at Analise  PF when i tracked my application on the naturalize-se online platform

i applied for naturalization since march

does anyone have an idea or experienced this

@jeff ob if i may ask, how long have you been in Brazil?

12/01/23 @Jeff ob.  Congratulations on getting through the process!

Once the Polícia Federal have made the home visit and it went well, you should start checking the Diário Oficial da União every day or two, and at least once a week, for the Portaria that makes your naturalization official.  That was how I found out that mine had been approved.

Search here for your CRNM Number:

Pesquisa avançada

-- Tipo de pesquisa --Resultado exato

-- Forma de pesquisa -- Pesquisa ato-a-ato

-- Onde pesquisar -- Tudo

-- Ordenação -- Por data

-- Data -- for date, use "Personalizado" for your first search, starting with the date of your home visit.  after that, use "Último mês"

-- Jornal -- "Todos"

After you find your approval, print out the whole Portaria.  Then you can request your Naturalization Certificate, and start getting your other documents.

@oluomoadebayo 3 years

@abthree thanks for the heads up, i just searched my name following the guideline ,and did find anything yet

but on the naturalize -se platform its still at PF-analise, it has not shown Análise MJSP

@jeff ob Good Luck! It has been about 5 months since my lawyers submitted my application for a Permanent Residency Visa by Spouse. I can't say i am used to the wait, but whoever said things take time in Brazil was right.

Good Luck again, hope it comes before Christmas........I am starting a Go Fund Me Page for a "WAITING ROOM" for all of us still holding out for Visa's etc.

Roddie in Retirement1f575.svg

12/03/23     @abthree thanks for the heads up, i just searched my name following the guideline ,and did find anything yetbut on the naturalize -se platform its still at PF-analise, it has not shown Análise MJSP       -@jeff ob

Be sure to search for your CRNM number, too.  There's less likely to be a duplicate or an error in that.