Marriage in Taiwan

Hi, my partner and I are a same sex couple and for a variety of reasons, our innocent and genuine relationship looks too suspicious to U.K. immigration to grant a visa to my Filipino partner. We thought that we could marry in Taiwan first to reduce costs to U.K. immigration, but we don't know now to do it. Are there any companies or sources of information to get a step by step guide please? We're trapped and I don't know what to do.

@oitnb2017The Taiwanese law only recognized marriage between Taiwanese and his/her same sex partner under the principle that the foreigner home county also recognized same sex marriage as legal.  Since neither UK, nor Philippine law allow same sex marriage, I feel your wish to get married in Taiwan with your same sex partner may NOT come true, nor could you get the desired legal marriage paper from the Taiwan government.  For further verification, or consultant, you may check with the Taiwan Alliance to Promote Civil Partnership Rights (TAPCPR) organization (

@Sherry Hu

Same  sex  marriage is perfectly acceptable in the U.K.  but not in  Philippines. But if a Filipino and a UK same sex couple can come to Taiwan and get married is what I would like to know. We would go home afterwards.

@Sherry Hu

Your advice and guidance really helped me. Thank you. At least I know that it is not possible.