
How many hospitals are on the island


How many hospitals are on the island and are they easily accessible

See also

The healthcare system in the Dominican RepublicPregnancy in the Dominican RepublicAccidents and emergencies in the Dominican RepublicLooking for U.S. Federal Employees that have retired in the DRMAPFRE Salud

No idea. Interesting question.

And welcome to the forums.


As Planner said welcome and no idea. Larger centers have hospitals - what services they offer is unknown.  The large cities of Santo Domingo and Santiago have large hospitals along with specialized clinics. You'll have to be more specific if possible. Places like Moca, which is close to Santiago, had three hospitals but closed one after enlarging the other. My wife had surgery at the small one they closed after seeing a specialist at the one big hospital in Santiago - HOMS I believe it is called - that I know of. Cheers.


Many , many public hospitals are everywhere and easily accessible

private clinics too

the public ones are in every community and free


You cant miss them

They’re all painted the same


Does anyone have a reccomendation of what is the best hospital in SD? Standard of health-care wise. I heard CENCOE was good, but it has mixed google reviews.


Hospiten is good, all around hospital


I'm guessing that, like so many other questions about DR, the answer is "It depends!" I'm sure that some hospitals have specializations and they are the place to go for that specialty.


Thank you!


If you have your choice, clinic or hospital?


Depends for what!


@Coplys And, of course, all of our responses have been about hospitals in DR, not including the other side of the island in Haiti.

Keep in mind that this is a large country! We have at least 6 international airports. If you are in the Santo Domingo area, there are many good healthcare options. In smaller towns, not so much! We drive the 2.5 hours to  Santo Domingo from Las Terrenas for all but routine care. We have a few specialists that come here once a week (dermatologist, cardiologist, ortho, etc.), but for surgeries, tests beyond an x-ray, and even vet care beyond the absolute basics, we go to SD.

Erik Anderson

Hi DD. Im in Las Terrenas. who do you prefer here for a ”primary care” style Dr.?


We prefer United Doctors. Very happy with them. Competent with a good dose of homeopathic, or natural, medicine.


    Hi DD. Im in Las Terrenas. who do you prefer here for a ”primary care” style Dr.?

    -@Erik Anderson

Hi Erik - @RockyM is my hubby - he failed to mention that when he answered for us! We’ve been happy with United Doctors for annual checkups and the odd ear or sinus infection. They are also great for referals when we've needed specialists.



Hospitals are   public,  clinics are private



How come not Santiago for doctors?


Primary care doctors or family doctors are not a normal thing here.  You will need to keep all your own records.  Getting a referral is one thing but the doctors don't keep your records and coordinate things here.  You do not need a Doctors referral to see any specialist.  You just make your appointment and show up. It is often a huge waste of a specialists time!  Almost all doctors are specialist here as they make more money.


How come not Santiago for doctors?


It is easier for us to get to Santo Domingo from Las Terrenas than Santiago. Usually when we visit Santo Domingo there are other things we need to do there (e.g shopping). And we are simply more familiar with SD. 


The public hospitals are free

all are painted blue with white trim