Retiring in Bahrain

How do expats who retire/reside permanently in Bahrain handle health insurance? For seniors it seems health insurance can be costly so is it just a case of paying the higher fees each year or is there some kind of workaround? I'd love to retire in Bahrain and looked on the Golden Visa page, under the property investor category (200k+ invested in real estate), under benefits it says the visa gives the opportunity to live permanently in Bahrain but under requirements it says valid health insurance is needed.


As far as insurance goes, you only really have a few options:

1) Pay the higher charges and live with that

2) If you have a global insurance which you got a while ago, use that for healthcare here while buying a cheap separate policy for 2 year only for visa renewal purposes every 10 years.  The global insurance or a pre-existing policy, if you got it a while back, the cost increases each year won't be as much as if you were to buy a new one at an older age from scratch  (because they have your health history and won't preload premiums for all the standard illnesses that older people have)

For example, I use a CIGNA policy which covers me worldwide and when my renewal comes up, since the requirement is to show a 2 year policy, I buy a cheaper one that is really basic..........doesn't cost much and use that for the renewal.

Thank you!