
Can I work remotely ?



I am here for at least three years as my husband has a work contract in Belgium.

We both have the simplified residence special identity card. This means i am not allowed to work.

I am prohibited from working for a Belgian company and will lose my residency if i do but can i work remotely?

I have also been told that it’s pointless becoming self employed here as the tax is 55%.

Can anyone help please?  I have been here a few months and feel like a failure and a drain on my husband.

Thank you!

See also

Job offers in BelgiumWorking in AntwerpWorking in LiègeWorking in CharleroiFinding work in Brussels

Why would you lose residency if you worked with a Belgian company? that's the main question because if you're prohibited from working with Belgian companies it won't make sense to become independent anyway since as you mentioned you are prohibited

Being independent is recommended if you want to maintain residency in Belgium by working for a Belgian employer and yes taxes are so high.


@Lindsaygb Hi Lindsay. I'm coming to Brussels soon with a similar situation. Have you been able to figure out any answers?