Police clearance for visa

Hi! So I'm currently having a dilemma. My husband applied a US visa for me last year 2022 and it's only processing this year. My problem is I declared in the visa application that I lived in Bahrain when I was a kid up until I turned 16 (2010). Now they're requiring me to submit a police clearance from Bahrain, but I have no means to get one. I'm just curious if they issue a good standing certificate even if 14 years have already passed and I'm no longer a resident there? Will appreciate you help, thanks!

The reason they are asking for it is because your husband apparently applied for an immigrant visa and not a tourist visa.  Any immigrant visa has a requirement for police clearance from any location that you have lived in more than 6 months..........and over the past 10 years at the very least.

If you remember your details e.g.  CPR number etc., you can apply online on bahrain.bh.  You will need to get fingerprints taken as per the requirements and get them attested in your home country.  Or you can try to google consultants like helpline group who can help coordinate this for you - you will still have to provide them all the documents.