
Public transportation in Trinidad and Tobago

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Hi all,

What do you think about the means of transportation in Trinidad and Tobago ?

Is the network of means of transportation well developed? What modes of transport are available?

Do you use them?

How much is a fare?

Are they relatively safe?

What is the mean of transportation you use the most in Trinidad and Tobago?

Thanks in advance for participating!


Like most countries there is public transportation and the usual private taxis. We have regular cars, private taxis, bus and ferry services.

Public transportation here consists of "short drop" taxis. Meaning taxis ply certain routes from point A to point B stopping to pick up and/or drop off passengers along their particular route. The fares differ depending on the distance of the journey but I would say the basic fares run between TTD$3.00 to TTD$5.00 each way. These taxis can be in the form of a regular automobile while some are called maxi taxis and are 12 seater type vehicles. Most taxis also offer air conditioning.

Privately hired taxis can run from TTD$60.00 one way. There is also a bus service that runs regularly and this is also safe and comfortable. And all of these modes of transportation operate through the day and night. There is also a ferry (boat) service from the northern capital of Port of Spain to the southern capital. There is no train service in the country at this moment.

All taxi services run regularly 24/7 but might take longer as it gets later in the evening. The services are relatively safe but I would recommend travelling with the maxi taxi in the night time as there is safety in numbers.

I use the short drop taxis most when I have to travel by public transportation.


Hi DJaguarwoman!

Thanks very much for your help ;)
