Q&A's This Site Needs Upgrade

Why Is This Site So Slow. .

Slow in what respect?

Connectivity, subject matter or what??

    Why Is This Site So Slow. .


Because we're mostly old people.


        Why Is This Site So Slow. .         -@rocb77673

Because we're mostly old people.



I would say that members are of varying ages from 18 years old upwards. This forum has an enormous number of members.

The various sections of the forum have thousands of threads, answers to members questions and loads of great information.

Take the time to read other sections, countries and get a feel of things in general.

Not slow from here in the UK.

    Why Is This Site So Slow. .


check your internet connection. Site works fine.

    Why Is This Site So Slow. .


How are you you meant to get an answer if you don't come back and explain what you mean?

If you mean internet spread, it works fine for me in Austria, at home and on go the go using my cell/mobile phone.

Hi everyone,

we've identified and (partially) improve a database request which was making the website slower than usual. It should be better now. Please let us know if the website looks faster now.

All the best



Noticeably quicker, even with my sluggish internet connection.

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