Getting a home ev

hello estonia!i met you twice before, very briefly: when i heard about the e-residency and nomad friendliness, perhaps around 2020. but it didn't stick. and last november, when i moved from portugal to finland by bus, with half amount of bags as i can carry. very short transit visit!now after 42 sun laps, i spent all of them searching for home. the first 38 without a car, and about 2y with 2 different electric vehicles, or hev as all cars i ever had also worked as home for me.2023 i had to survive the most intense, and also surely worst year of my life, after losing the closest thing i ever had as a home along with nearly everything in my life. my dear (now  ex) wife "divorced" me 2 xmas ago, on xmas. 2009~2022 i feel i will buy my next hev in estonia!sadly the xbus still doesn't exist and i do not have 40k eur anyway.but i do have enough to get at least a nice mitsubishi imiev! 😊 (my first ev, sold it after 2 months to my then wife, she still loves it more than me).as a portuguese citizen, yesterday i invested 100eur to apply for the estonian er, because i now decided to use it for anyway, but also in hope i will get it before the 30 days given, and it will allow me to register the hev/car!i plan to go search for my home in galicia/asturias after summer. i loved to meet and live at but i decided i need more human warmth than the culture and climate allows around nordic european places. probably worldwide, as i doubt russia, canada, alaska or iceland will be significantly different.perhaps we will even start glc there! still need to see.getting to my question now...i do have quite some experience with all those aspects of life and i fear i may lose an opportunity with getting the car if i wait for documents. as a portuguese citizen i applied to finnish residency back in jan and still didn't get it, even if the site promise it should come on spot, right away!so i feel i will get the car as soon as i can anyway, hope for the best, and try to eventually export it to portugal if needed.if in portugal i would 90% recommend people (someone in an analogous situation as mine) to do this, as the law there will be very slow and complex. but in finland i feel nobody would do it, or less than 1%.what would you recommend, dear estonian future friend? 🥰love ❤️