How is life in Lima ?

Hello , I will be traveling to Lima Peru I m Anglo Peruvian looking forward

to live in Lima.  I have relatives in Lima and some friends but I have visited Lima in 15 years

perhaps you can tell me how things are over there, I know the weather is ok and food superb.

Kind Regards,


How things are is very general! :-)  I was in Barranco, San Isidro and Mira Flores and had a great time last month for a month.  I never felt unsafe but of course always was aware of my surrounding.  It  is sad to see how much of the packaged food is getting so much crap added to it like the US, but the fresh food is still amazing!!  I hope they continue to not allow Monsanto get their fingers into the fresh food!

Hello everyone,


Welcome on board !

Please note that I have created a new thread on the Lima forum from your post so that you may better discuss with members.

All the best


Cold and cloudy most of the time. A street noise level that you have to shout over to be heard,l by the person you are walking with. People so engaged in the daily struggle to live that many are ice cold and say the least. Unpredictable assaults and a city where you are advised  to never take your cel phone out on the street and NEVER show money except when paying INSIDE a store. Why would anyone want to visit this city let alone live in it?

Weather today in Lima, Peru was a high of 76F (almost 25C) and a low of 57F (about 14C).  It was partly cloudy.  Pretty good considering winter is approaching for them.  The cold Humboldt ocean current moderates and cools their weather.

Perhaps not an ideal climate, but I daresay there are many places in the world where it's a lot worse...

There is much to appreciate about Lima, so it would be

a shame if anybody crossed the city off their to-visit list

based on Chingas's comments.

The description of Lima as if it's Gotham City on Gotham's

worst day does a disservice to the Peruvian capital.

The weather is sunny and warm in the non-winter months.

Maybe Chingas doesn't know that because he doesn't

live in Peru .. maybe hasn't spent more than a few days

in its capital city.  Maybe he didn't find any of the hundreds

of excellent restaurants .. didn't visit the oceanside mall-in-a-cliff

at Larco .. didn't look very hard to find most parts of this city

where you don't need to shout in order to be heard by

a companion.

Chingas's comments on safety could apply to the most

dire and desperate neighborhoods in the worst parts

of Lima or most any South American city.  But there's

lots to like here -- Chingas the Canuck just missed it.

And by the way, today was sunny .. and I didn't witness

any sneak assaults or meet any ice-cold inhabitants.

cccmedia in Miraflores sector, Lima

@cccmedia  I agree.  Every city has its slums, but in most area's people walk around not paying attention on their cell phones like most countries.  I don't recommend that, but Chinga is either in a very bad area or has a bias against Peru in general.  I have spent close to 2 years of my life in Peru so far, and have never seen an assault yet.  I have seen petty theft once, and saw someone eyeing my wife probably to try.  I have been in bad area's at night only once, and was very aware of my surroundings, but did not have an issue.


For me a horrible shyte hole

Bogota , Medellin, Buenos Aires way nicer

But I am not a big city person , but still Lima  is a dive.

To each his own