
what do you think of my experience being in Belgium!



I just register to this website hoping someone will give me a glimpse of hope.

I came to Belgium on 21 July 2020 during the pandemic as I received an award from Belgium for doing some research. I have been granted card A (Marche travail limite) =limited work permit for doing this research work, who will benefit nobody but Belgium.

I did not care of the type of card at the beginning and focusing on my work. Time goes on, I have been promoted at the same place with CDI (indefinite contract) and the card A extended to May 2025. Suddenly they terminated my contract end of November 2023. I tried to know why how...etc did not get any logical answer :(

Since it happened suddenly, I was not planning for it. so I was trying to find a job. but I realized that i can't work with the current card as it is limited ONLY to the employer who I signed the contract with. Plus I did not receive an unemployment benefit. after asking too many people, they told me that sometimes the employer gives you all the benefit at the time when they terminate you and I think this is what happened.

I am stuck, and I still have some research to complete, otherwise they will take my research and I will return back empty handed if I left Belgium now. how to change my current card so I can continue my research and search for any other job in the meantime to get an income as I don't have an income,

thank you very much and  appreciate your advice.

Kind regards,


See also

Living in Belgium: the expat guideL card with PHD periodVisa status checking webpageBelgium Nationality 2024L card / Unlimited Single Permit (Flemish)

If your contract has been terminated by your employer in November 2023 most probably your A card not valid anymore.

After contract termination  employer should report to IBZ  and from that point you have 3 months to find a new job and apply for a extension of your staying in BE. After  3 months your A card not linked in any work permit.So as soon as municipality get this info , they would invite you to give card back.

It seems like this 3 month period passed. And i never seen such a situation if your staying in BE now legal or not.

But in normal case this is the procedure you should follow.

Regarding to your seniority in a workplace a few monts in advance they should announce you about your work termination and you should search a new job+employer should apply for a work permit.

Good luck