If you separate can you keep your permanent residency

I am separating from my wife she Brazilian. We have a agreement of co habitation at the Corrieos. She want to cancel this agreement but said she will not go to the Federal Police to cancel my residency. Will the corrieos report this and  will this cancel my Residency??

if you have any experience with this please let me know thanks

05/05/24    I am separating from my wife she Brazilian. We have a agreement of co habitation at the Corrieos. She want to cancel this agreement but said she will not go to the Federal Police to cancel my residency. Will the corrieos report this and  will this cancel my Residency??
if you have any experience with this please let me know thanks


Hi.  Sorry to hear that.  I think that you mean "cartório".  And no, there's no reason for the cartório to report this action to the Federal Police, since no laws have been broken. 

If you're ever in a situation that would require you to renew your CRNM -- if, for example, you spent over two continuous years outside Brazil and your residency lapsed -- there might be some difficulty in getting it back, since the relationship on which it was based no longer exists.  But assuming that the "validade" of your CRNM is "indeterminada", that situation probably will not arise.  Best of luck to you.

Thank you for your response it is indeterminada. This is a great goup very informative and helpful with positive help. 

In my view, indeed, Abthree's response is 100% accurate. I understand you meant "Cartório", and not Correios,  and yes, they have no legal obligation to inform neither Federal Police nor Ministério da Justiça and they will not do it. It is a good idea, though, to have your CRNM card copied and that copy notarized (fazer uma cópia autenticada), at a notary (cartório de notas). You must not lose your CRNM, because if you have to renew it, then you might have a situation. All the best

@NewBrazil Great Post! Have to admit I filed this under "hope I never need it, but just in case."

We have three houses, my well-equipped You Tube Studio, a car, two dogs. a sizeable ranch with a large amount of land together in addition to the upcoming residency.... Thanx

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